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  1. NERDautista

    Suggestion NinjaAnkles

    I would like to suggest a move or passive that would help the chi blocker not taking fall damage. You must be crouched for this ability to work and boom! You are not anymore afraid of heights! I only know a server that wouldn't need this, MegaCrafting, I think that's the name but in this server...
  2. NERDautista

    Suggestion BloodFlux

    I have this suggestion for BloodBending sub-bending of water. It is an ability that lets the BloodBender to slowly stop the flux of a mob or player. It would be activated by crouching meanwhile looks at the target and right clicking, the only possible way to escape is by leaving the sight point...
  3. Sc1_original

    Chiblocking Wall Gliding (Passive) 2.0.0

    Description: Have you ever felt that chi blockers need more abilities like in the series? then this is for you! with this ability, you can climb down of the walls without any injuries, you can prevent your fall damage by it! Usage: first make sure you are a chi blocker and have the ability's...
  4. StrangeOne101

    Airbending AirBubble 1.0

    Description AirBubble allows the bender to bring air pockets into water. This allows them to breath underwater while they hold it! Instructions Hold sneak when above water to push the water back and create an air bubble. Alternatively, you can click to create a bubble for a short amount of...
  5. Tyson-xLumos

    LumosBends Move Pack 1.0.1

    LumosBends A new ProjectKorra Addon-MovePack! Including 19 new abilities across 5 elements, and 6 subelements! Many thanks to everyone who helped me make this a reality. The following move pack is designed for PK 1.9.0, and to use it, just drop the jar file into the "abilities" folder of...
  6. DreamerBoy

    Earthbending EarthDisc 1.4, PK 1.9.0

    EarthDisc A probending ability. Description We can say that ability is ProBending Ability. EarthDisc allows you to bend earth into a disc that deals damage to entities. If EarthDisc come across with another one, it will collide into each other making an explosion pushing and damaging the...
  7. Gamzee

    Suggestion Ability Trees Concept

    I've already discussed this idea with people on the Discord, but I guess I should post it here too. Ability Tree Concept Overview: This would separate passive and active abilities into two separate trees, the Talent Tree and the Skill Tree, with different requirements to put points into each...
  8. xNuminousx

    Creating a passive "ability"

    I've had the class extend it's proper element as well as implement PassiveAbility yet console tells me that it needs to implement AddonAbility... But I want it as a passive... Am I missing something here? Are there methods missing from the unimplemented methods that don't pop up that I need...
  9. A

    Airbending Pressure 1.5

    This ability allows an Airbender to unleash a powerful, pressurized gust of wind that disorients players! Simply hold shift to charge it up and release. This ability will follow your crosshairs. Permissions: bending.ability.pressure Configuration: Pressure: Cooldown: 3000...
  10. StrangeOne101

    Bloodbending BloodRip 1.4

    Note: This is a very dark ability. But Bloodbending in itself is a very dark art. Deal with it. BloodRip Description: An extremely dark bloodbending move that allows you to bend the blood out of your enemies. You can even reuse their blood for other waterbending if you need to. Usage: Hold...
  11. T

    Suggestion Stun Glove

    A popular weapon of the Chiblockers in LoK the stun glove looks like a really cool and useful weapon to have for chiblockers. One way for it to work is: When you punch someone with this ability selected you deal half a heart of damage, 5 seconds of blindness, and 5 seconds of not moving...
  12. EmeraldJelly

    Firebending Immolate v1.2.1 || PK (1.8.3)

    Description: Sacrifice your energy into your inner fire and unleash a powerful blast of fire! Config: Immolate: Cooldown: 5000 Damage: 10 Range: 40 Speed: 1 Sacrifice: 5 FireTicks: 3 To Do: - Add effect to the sacrifice part of the ability - Create a...
  13. Sobki

    ProjectKorra API Development Tutorials

    Hey everyone! So recently I have had quite a few people asking questions about developing addon abilities. I thought it's about time that an updated tutorial was created on the process taken, and use the ProjectKorra API in general. The first video which covers setting up the basics of your...
  14. L

    Help with Group Permissions

    I'm trying to have a system in which there are tiers of bending abilities, and you start with only the passive and one move, and become more proficient. I have everything figured out except the permissions. I can't seem find find a way to only allow certain abilities to a group. Anybody know a...
  15. MeskenasBoii


    Instead of Ice ability giving you slowness, the replacement of it should be this imo: Left Click the Source > Hold Sneak. A row of three blocks would slither in front of you. Let go of sneak and it should create/form something like this: Since it's a streaming bourn, anyone that puts their...
  16. UpDoge

    Suggestion for RaiseEarth

    RaiseEarth is an Earth ability that some tend to choose when one player inflicts the slightest amount of damage upon their oh-so-very fragile skin. It is annoying, frustrating, cheap, abuse of the ability, and needs to be pointed out. I will be using the poll votes for further evidence in...
  17. J

    Torrent Modification

    So, you know how when you use the torrent ability where you left-click, you can freeze the water? Well... I was thinking, what if you could freeze the water from the torrent ability when you release shift and the water makes a ring around you that expands outward and pushes people back? That...
  18. DarkPhosphorus

    Denied Special metal and lava bending ability ideas.

    Please read through before commenting, and do not tell me why somthing wouldn't work without an explanation or fix to the problem with the ability. This is more than one suggestion, so please don't deny both for just one of the abilites. Please take these ideas into consideration for future...
  19. Sobki


    Was just messing around with Sorin, and was wondering if anyone would ACTUALLY use this ability if we made it. Pretty much, you hold shift & somehow ( we haven't decided how source blocks will work ) you make a tent out of earth looking something like this: I understand this is probably the...
  20. Carbogen

    Earthbending LavaSurge 2.0

    LavaSurge Developed by Carbogen "This is not an official ProjectKorra ability, therefore, no official support will be provided in any threads other than this one. Use at your own risk." First of all, some of you may be wondering: "Isn't this a rip off of jedk1's mudsurge??" "Carbo! Does this...