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Search results

  1. Vahagn

    Denied Sweat bending

    I want to introduce a new passive. Sweat bending. If the player runs around for a certain amount of time, little water particles will form around them, and slowly the particles would accumulate on the arm, then allowing you to blast 1 water manipulation. This wouldn't work if you are running...
  2. Vahagn

    EarthBending Blocks From Ones Inventory.

    Can we add something so earthbender's can bend from their inventory if they have dirt inside. I mean, they already bend iron ingots from inside their inventory. However it would only work if you have enough dirt blocks inside your inventory. So for earthsmash the default blocks required for you...
  3. Vahagn

    Alternating Bending Hands

    With the Addition of 1.9's Off hand, I want to suggest that certain moves alternate their starting hand, from the off hand to the main hand. Such as lets say I air blast somebody, instead of it starting in the same location it would start closer to your left hand the next time you launch it...
  4. Vahagn

    Champions: Book 1 Water.

    I want to see who the community thinks is the most powerful manipulator of water. In all of its forms. They don't have to be Avatar exclusive. they can be from any show. anything. Benders in minecraft don't count due to varying config. My vote is on Lapis Lazuli from steven universe. I mean...
  5. Vahagn

    EarthBending Fall Damage Rework.

    I am wondering if its possible to make it that when an earth bender is falling instead of changing the area into sand, it would make a crater lined with the respective blocks you form. These respective blocks would work like this. This was suggested by @Meskenas-Chi_Blokeris. Here is a link to...
  6. Vahagn

    Water Manipulation.

    Water Manipulation is the most basic move in a waterbenders arsenal and it has the LEAST amount of uses. I think that Water Manipulation should be more similar to actually manipulating water instead of blasting it in 1 direction with little creativity on uses.. It would work the same way you...
  7. Vahagn

    Healing Waters

    Healing Waters should be able to heal zombie villagers, zombie pigmen, witches to their peaceful counterparts (villager, pig, villager) I couldn't find anything on this topic specifically in the Advanced search, and reasoned that this suggestion doesn't really belong in any 1 given plugin, so I...
  8. Vahagn

    Denied Avatar Ability Nerfs

    On many servers I go on, there is the option to donate your money for access to more than 1 element. And ive noticed an unbalance with many people who have multiple elements. All of the elements have their respective strengths and weaknesses, which keeps them balanced. However once somebody has...
  9. Vahagn

    Toph is not as good as we thought O>O

    While looking through youtube I found this many of you have seen this before, After watching this I think its safe to say that Toph is no longer the greatest earthbender in the world. Frieza is now the new earthbending champion.
  10. Vahagn

    Suggestion Poison and Wither Activating the Avatar State

    I think that when an avatar by the /bending avatar command is poisoned or withered (without them having low health) it should activate a heightened avatar state that is 20 seconds longer and double the strength of the old 1 than their normal avatar state, However, if the poison isn't going to...
  11. Vahagn

    Suggestion White Dragon & White Jade Tea

    "When Iroh and Zuko were traveling through the Earth Kingdom as refugees, they struggled to adjust to their new lifestyle. While searching for food, Iroh accidentally poisoned himself by drinking tea made from the poisonous white jade plant, mistaking it for the white dragon bush. Knowing that...
  12. Vahagn

    Denied GlacialGlide

    We see in the series, many instances of water benders creating a wave, then freezing it then sliding across it at high speeds. I think that we should have a combo where water-benders can do this. It would be activated like this. WaterSpout (Left-Click) -> Surge (Left-Click) ->...
  13. Vahagn

    Denied IcePrison

    This combo would trap the enemy in a hollow dome of you like Mineplex Champion's Ice Prison. It would be WaterManipulation(Sneak)->Torrent(Left-Click)->Torrent(Left-Click)->Surge(Sneak)->PhaseChange(Left-Click) to activate the combo. It will create a hollow dome of ice around the enemy that is...
  14. Vahagn

    Tremorsense rework

    With the 1.9 Glowing effect I think we can make it so tremorsense actually looks like its from the show. When used entities connected to the earth would be visible. And if possible, caverns would be highlighted to show that they are empty.
  15. Vahagn

    Plant Manipulation

    As many of you know Project Korra is removing Plant Armor the only plant bending move in the core, and its sad to be a sub element with so much potential go to waste so as a member of the PK community I took it upon myself to suggest the replacement for Plant Armor. Plant Manipulation Overview...
  16. Vahagn

    More Canon Material?

    In a recent thread a very interesting point was brought up, So I was like Hmm, is their really no outlet from where we can canonize our moves from? I opened up google and searched for a continuation of the Avatar series and found that there is in fact a continuation, it isn't a TV show though...
  17. Vahagn

    Denied Wan Shi Tong's Spirit Library?

    Maybe we could generate a Wan Shi Tong's Spirit Library in the Spirit World, It would generate like a stronghold (1-3 per world spread far away from each other)*. I mean it is an iconic feature of the spirit world (not as iconic as stuff such as Koh's Cave, Tree of Time, Spirit Portals etc). I...
  18. Vahagn

    Phasechange Config Changes

    I wanted to suggest a seperate radius option, for each of the functions in Phasechange, so if the server owners want to make the melt radius larger than the freeze radius or the freeze radius larger than the melt radius they can. I also want to suggest a config option for how far away you need...
  19. Vahagn

    Rework of Plant Armor?

    Ive noticed in my time as a waterbender, I've noticed the lack of plant bending moves. Don't get me wrong I love the passives.(Although a massive Surge from a tiny flower is unrealistic) I think that we could add moves. Ones that are more usable. PlantArmor: Instead of it giving you the armor I...