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  1. B

    Quick Dodge,

    ok so i`ve come up with another chi move that will (HOPEFULLY) make sense now. I`ve been watching alot of clips of chi benders fighting and i noticed that they would often be jumping around to evade attack. So i think that this move would kind make sense. Quick dodge should let a player "blink"...
  2. B

    Denied Chi, forceful shove, and chi dash

    So i`ve been browsing the suggestion forums and haven`t found many chi suggestions, I thought i might as well recommend some as it last the least amount of moves. Forceful Shove: While this move is selected, a chi bender can channel his/her chi into kinetic energy shoving the target. If shoved...
  3. Jwaffles04

    Voided Society

    Voided Society 1.11.2 IP: VoidedSociety.nitrous.it VoidedSociety.enjin.com A server in which you play the world as the map, bend, and create covenants. You start off in a one time spawn which leads to a tp to every country, state, and province in the world. (Inform me if I'm missing a...
  4. Loony

    Side Plugin «Bending Essentials» 1.2.9

    «Bending Essentials» Click here to get support Bending Essentials contains a variety of commands and features that are incredibly useful for bending servers. Bending Essentials will be updated over time to include more features, command and overall become more intuitive. -»Suggest Features...
  5. chazpants


    KyoshiCraft Website: kyoshicraft.enjin.com Ip: Rules 1: No Racism or Discrimination 2: No Spamming 3: Do not Advertise 4: No Hacking 5: No Disrespecting players 6: No Combat Logging 7: No Griefing of Homes or Arenas 8: No Caps 9: No Nation Hopping 10: Use Common Sense What is...
  6. Kiam

    ✦ The SpiritCraft Community ✦

    ✦ The SpiritCraft Community ✦ ✦ { Bending } ✦ { Factions } ✦ { Tournaments } ✦ { Fun } ✦ ✦ { mc.playspiritcraft.com } ✦ Join one of the longest standing bending server communities around! We pride ourselves on being extremely LGBTQ+ supportive with a ZERO tolerance policy for discrimination...
  7. StrangeOne101

    ABANDONED WGBendingFlag 2016-06-09

    NOTE: DOES NOT WORK WITH 1.8.5 AND ABOVE! THIS PLUGIN IS NO LONGER BEING UPDATED, AND IS ONLY STILL AVAILABLE FOR PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF THE PLUGIN! WGBendingFlag This plugin adds one very simple thing: A 'bending' flag to worldguard regions! Why would I want this plugin? By default, users can...
  8. Green

    Denied EarthSpike

    Element: Earth Ability: EarthSpike What it does: When you click at an entity a large spike will appear under them doing 1.5 hearts of damage and knocking them into the air. The entity has to, at the most, 15 blocks away from you. This will go back into the ground right after it goes up. This...
  9. C

    EarthControl, WaterControl

    Ability Name: EarthControl, WaterControl Element: Earth, Water Controls: Shift on an earth-bendable block or water-bendable block. While shifting, you can move one block of the element wherever you like. When you release shift, the block will stay where you have placed it. Detailed...
  10. Regret

    Noir Bending

    IP: NoirBending.mchost.pro Website: http://noirbending.enjin.com/ This is not an official ProjectKorra Server. All Contributions and Donations made to this server are in no way affiliated with ProjectKorra or any of its plugin and goes to the server only. ProjectKorra and its staff is not...
  11. Fyf

    Denied Killing Enderdragon = Rainbow fire particles? (April Fools)

    I've compiled this into a google document so that i could format it easier because it has a lot of pictures and Gifs https://docs.google.com/document/d/10zj1B7bZ_cxTfYX0QdwMg2rlVjo7FXY-N2aEtsI9AP8/edit?usp=drivesdk Please comment thoughtfully below -Fyf
  12. Fyf

    Denied Fire & Air Sources (April Fools)

    Firebending & Airbending Sources -General Idea -Firebending and Airbending would require sources to be selected in order to use moves, similar to how Earth and Water require their sources. -Fire will have to select its source of fire from a block of fire, or a burning entity. -Air will have to...
  13. Nin01

    1.9 Shields and Bending

    Since 1.9 came out, and shields are released, what role will they play in this plugin? Shields were obviously made to block stuff, could this work with bending? Some moves could obviously be blocked like firepunch but there are other that cannot be blocked like octopus form. Maybe even some...
  14. Fyf

    Denied MetalShield (Name subject to change)

    Footnote: I am interested into incorporating wearing iron chestplate as a source for more metal-bending moves, as carrying something valuable like metal ingots isn't really viable in PvP and this means metal doesn't get as much play as something like Lava. I believe moves like this would be a...
  15. Nin01

    Denied Weather with WaterBending

    Since water benders can obviously bend water and snow, I believe they should be able to bend the water while it is raining/snowing. Snow and rain are made obviously out of water. Expert water benders are able to make water out of the pure humidity around them anyways! But this is for new water...
  16. Nin01

    Denied Tornado/Twister Physics

    Air Benders need to deserve the actual lethal potential of this move, but there is a problem with Tornado. When I use to be an air bender, I would kill mobs by using tornado to sweep them away high in the air and drop them to their death. But when fighting other players, the attack doesn't pick...
  17. Nin01

    Denied Bleeding

    For some moves like dagger throw, you'd be wounded if a dagger hit you. So you just wouldn't take the default damage, but rather you'd have a form of poison because you are bleeding from the dagger wound. This could also apply for other moves such as being scorched by fire, getting scraped by...
  18. Nin01

    Common moves for combos

    Like I mentioned in the "More Earth Combos!" discussion, I would like as many benders as possible to tell me what moves they normally use in fights. For example, I mostly use Torrent and Octopus Form in combat. So I'd suggest a combo for water benders out of those moves on this website. Hence...
  19. Fyf

    Denied Group/ Team Combos

    Not sure if this has been suggested before, Nor am I sure if it is possible to even implement. General Idea: -Groups of two or more benders who are in a registered group (PK or external team plugin) together can combo their moves together to create a more powerful combo, the more benders...
  20. King of Monsters

    Suggestion New bending moves + combos

    Hello ladies and gentleman I've been looking for more bending moves for the next coming updates, I'd like new upcoming moves. And I have suggestions for you devs. First of all, I'd like to see new bending moves, like laserbending which will be after project korra. So, lets start with my ideas...