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First release
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4.89 star(s) 9 ratings

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  1. 1.0.6 Release (abilities inbound)

    ## Changelog * Added Camouflage chi passive * Added RockSlide earth combo * Added MistShards...
  2. More Stuff is Better, Right?

    Changelog Added ArcSpark lightningbending ability Added Accretion earthbending ability Added...
  3. 1.0.4 - Air, Earth, Plant, and BendingBoard

    Changelog Added Dig ability for earth Added GaleGust ability for air Added Zephyr ability for...

Latest reviews

Everything is great, except deafen and vocalmimcry do not appear to work.
NIce!!!! but can you do support for MC Version 1.12.2 and PK Version 1.8.7 ?
Ain't bad. Although airbending could have been given better abilities (GaleGust is weaker airstream so redundant, and tailwind is a faster airagility that is easy overkill to activate). Explode I think personality should be expanded as a secondary function to combustion (a choice to cause firespread or not on initial blast, rendering whole ability on a ability), as players can now stack the two combustion abilities making their cooldowns obsolete). Also, would been better not reusing discs for 3/4 elements (began with lava, why fire and plant need to replicate it?) that have them. I do however love all lava abilities, water with plant arsenal, archspark and chi blocking abilities. Overall, other abilities could be a lot creative than reusing same effects that span across the element (Weakeningjab, flyingkick, magmaslap, leafstorm, magmaslap, metalrepair are creative, as they used unique mechanics, useful and overall kills the monotomy of the battle field). Abilities that I have not listed I have not to critique about, as they're perfect.
Everything was excellent, I love how much is packed into this especially Plantarmor and its utility, my only issue is the fact that the durability bar above stays in place and stacks up every time you die with Plantarmor active
You collected these abilities in one plugin and modified them perfectly. I like each ability, but I would love to be able to change the particles in each ability. Thank you so much, keep us happy with updates.
OMG plant armor is excellent. You have single handedly given plantbenders everything they need. It’s literal art thank you lmaooo
It's great, I loved it. Especially Shrapnel and FireDisc.
Amazing work, totally not an ego boost rating.... definitely....
I'd give 1 star for every 10 downloads but there's not that many stars. Maybe 1 star for every 100 downloads but that'd be just mean so...

could use a better name like.... NuminCore or something I guess... think about it.

pretty cool. although some of these abilities already exist by some dude Simplicitee so not sure if you'll get in trouble for just copying everything he made. good luck.

142 downloads (141 + 1 because I just downloaded it)