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Search results

  1. MeskenasBoii

    Suggestion HighJump Improvements

    HighJump should also the user to jump straight off the mounted object with ease and agility. This includes mounted horses, and pigs, and llamas, and boats, and minecarts... HighJump should also force the user to jump diagonally, when sprinting, in the respective facing direction. Too make...
  2. MeskenasBoii

    Looking Into QuickStrike + SwiftKick = SwiftStrike + Improvements

    These two stock abilities should be replaced, but combine into one new ability called SwiftStrike (hence the name). Those abilities are lacking for other controls, so this would leave a bit less room for that. The Controls should stay the for the quickstrike (left click), but swiftkick should...
  3. MeskenasBoii

    Suggestion ShieldPunch

    I'm bad at naming this. Inspired by the fight Ty lee and Suki held on the gondola. They tried to land blows on each other, but fail. This what should happen when fighting two chi blockers. Right Click: If you time it right, or in conjunction holding sneak for not too long - you can block...
  4. MeskenasBoii

    Looking Into Tornado-Pull

    As the Tornado of today can only affect User on a intruiging level, while others not that much - how about we change that? No, it shouldn't bungee-jump players to the sky just to have them the pavement after plummet back down, because that would be damn OP! How about having this technique...
  5. MeskenasBoii

    Suggestion EarthSmash and AvatarState

    Here's an idea. Like Korra, an earthbender in the avatarstate should be able to charge up to three earthsmash at once by tapping (I don't think chargetime should be presented during that moment) sneak that many times and by holding sneak at the air, they will start circularing around the avatar...
  6. MeskenasBoii

    Which Ability needs to better focused on?

    Suffocate - rarely used on benders, which I can't find much use to it in pvp. Octopusform - same argument given above. Tremorsense - a lot of great suggestions out here on how to improve it, because glowstone block isn't enough for those who have brightness set to max. Paralyze - too op, cheap...
  7. MeskenasBoii

    Denied Quirky Move

    As silly and stupid this may sound, but maybe expand this onto AcrobatStance or new ability to allow chi blockers to run and jump across the tops of the players' heads. Suki did this during the breakout of the Boiling Rock, and she was cool, quirky and badass when trying to reach over a wall...
  8. MeskenasBoii

    Suggestion Kuvira's Robot Giant

    In minecraft, this will be an iron golem, which you can control it while in 1st person view spectator mode, through normal player-control standards. While inside this power ranger wannabe zord robot, the player will be equipped on the main hand with a spirit canon which deals a devasting effect...
  9. MeskenasBoii

    Denied DaggerThrow as a Stock ability?

    Just an idea. It's not like chi can't throw them, but it would add good offensive attacks that chi-s lack off. Also, arrows shouldn't be necessary required (like the smokescreen).
  10. MeskenasBoii

    [Tutorial] How to post a new Suggestion/Thread

    For some reason, there are sometimes but a few people who ask this question. Probably due to that they can't find the (even thought it's quite reasonable perceptible size?... well, maybe it should be a weee-little bit bigger!). Therefor, this post is dedicated with a tutorial that directs you...
  11. MeskenasBoii

    Aang's Haircut

    BALD OR NOT Bald?
  12. MeskenasBoii

    Korra's Haircut?

    Ponytail LONG NON-Ponytailed Or Cut/Short Hair?
  13. MeskenasBoii

    Suggestion LavaSpread

    With this ability you can do two things: Expand By sneaking at a pool of lava and dragging your cursor onto overland, you can expand/pull lava towards to that direction and aimed spot. Here's what I mean: Convert With this ability, clicking a pre-generated/build lava pool, you can convert...
  14. MeskenasBoii

    Suggestion AvatarState

    When an avatar inadvertently enters the avatarstate, the following effects should occur when the first corresponding ability is selected. When I highlighted 'inadvertently', I mean the current feature we have, when an avatar enters the avatarstate at half an heart without having it binded...
  15. MeskenasBoii

    Favourite Feature?

    - I like velocity/kinetic damage. - Combo System. - Splitting and Categorized Subs. - Details (how fireblast can activate furnace, airblast door push, tornado sand tower fx). - Prefixes What are your favourites? Išsiųsta naudojantis SM-G313HN Tapatalk 4 Lt
  16. MeskenasBoii

    Suggestion EarthStairs

    With this ability, you can reach high places or descent gracefully, both in diagonal means. You can also change the state of a one block, a row, or a chuck of blocks into stairs blocks. Transportation By running towards and jumping (or left clicking, If it ain't doable) above direct...
  17. MeskenasBoii

    Suggestion Tiny RP Element.

    Once an avatar gets born (a player chosen through a varies mean/criteria/event), a message should be display (boolean toggleable) the avatar locations coors. Those who sought to help through the journey of him/her saving a world/other important goal, or just cold-heartedly kill one (by ending...
  18. MeskenasBoii

    Top list of addons and Feedback

  19. MeskenasBoii

    Suggestion Tremorsense (Seismic Sense Technique)

    In my opinion, tremorsense should work my like x-ray, BUT, with a nice but(t), it should be balanced of course. It's obvious that earthbenders with this ability not only used it to detect people, but caves as well (read the wiki If you don't believe me). All the above/This should a boolean...