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Search results

  1. MeskenasBoii

    Suggestion Active Sourcing: Shield, than Torrent

    We, waterbenders in this community always drool over and beg to have at least something close to water continuity/reusement. In compesation for saving developing time, we got the thing known as active sourcing. Problem: First and foremost, I love it, and I think many other passionate...
  2. MeskenasBoii

    Denied Lightning redirection realism

    Once the user absorbs the upcoming lightning into their body, they must release it within 5 seconds or else they will start taking damage. It could come in a form of a boolean parameter option, where if it's set to 'True' - the user immediately dies instead of taking damage after the seconds...
  3. MeskenasBoii

    Denied Ferrokinesis

    This is a fundamental metalbending ability, that allows the bender to shape and manipulate metal even more, which focus more of the close rage aspect of this sub-element. This ability comes with 3 controls, that each does a different action. Sneaking for a second on a horizontal or vertical...
  4. MeskenasBoii

    Denied Water Gimbal (Not like Jedcore's)

    How to Activate It? With Torrent selected: Left click to select the source. Left click again to select another source (two blocks will be selected as bendable sources, while clicking the third one will reset back to one, selected a new one). Hold sneak to shape and maintain it into two...
  5. MeskenasBoii

    How can I change my design back to the new one.

    I'm stuck on this one. @Mist
  6. MeskenasBoii

    Suggestion MetalBending Passive - powering minecart?

    Perhaps for a limited time a metalbender could push his/her cart without the need of powered rails for a defined amount of time before the cart runs out of momentum juice?
  7. MeskenasBoii

    Suggestion Iron bending (non-exclusive abilities)

    How about there was ignotbending concept was introduced, that worked like bottlebending in an enssence. Using old suggestions below (in the next comment posted), but by having the current ability take the effect when the criteria below occurs. You put an iron ignot in the off-hand slot, and all...
  8. MeskenasBoii

    Acknowledge of the Avatar Mod

    Weird that nobody had posted this (or are acknowledge that such thing exists), but some recent weeks ago I found this mod when somebody told about it: Avatar Mod 2: Out of The Iceberg Haven't explore it full on my game, but I did take a slight look after installing (gonna try it out today in...
  9. MeskenasBoii

    Pending Review Making Forums - EASY TO NAVIGATE ; DUMMY FRIENDLY

    I (and most of we) love PK. I love the design of the forums. However, the layout of the forums is really questionable to me and a bit meh. I'm not saying it's too bad, but I can think it can be made better (with the creation of new and removal of old categories, thus :) I think the forums are...
  10. MeskenasBoii


    This could be a place for people to request and developers to ask if there any custom stuff (side plugins, abilities, combos) to make. Again, this is a place for request, not demands: If a developer or a few agrees and approves the concept/challenge (one or two or more), they might do it, or If...
  11. MeskenasBoii

    Looking Into IceSpike Improvements

    IceSpike left click version is too basic. It's a basic light projectile that deals slowness last time I check, which we already establish how silly it is that it does. It's a simple watermanipulation, but with a minor differences. Left clicking imo should create a group of spikes in the user's...
  12. MeskenasBoii

    Suggestion Cooldown to All

    Add cooldown to every ability.
  13. MeskenasBoii

    Denied LavaSlap Combo

    What does it do? Exactly what Caroben's addon did: (http://projectkorra.com/resources/lavaslap.241/) Visual Representation I'll just copy paste them. In-game: Canon:
  14. MeskenasBoii

    Denied Marionette (bloodbending ability)

    Wanna control each limb individually, instead of swinging and tossing your enemy around? This ability is for you. What does this do? Basically, you literally take control over your living target. Once you used this on someone, you can force the player/mob to walk around through your W,A,S and D...
  15. MeskenasBoii

    Airbending got a lot of stuff

    @TFORTNT Not just particle changes. Fixed FireWheel and AirSwipe being stopped by snow on the ground. Fixed being able to go insanely fast with AirScooter via auto-run. Fixed AirShield not properly blocking FireBlast, EarthBlast, and WaterManipulation. Fixed AirSwipe not properly respecting...
  16. MeskenasBoii

    What's the best way to learn block manipulation/control?

    Not exactly PK related, but may help out with developing abilities regarding blocks. Not sure If this is the right question at all.
  17. MeskenasBoii

    Denied HydroSink Aesthetical Animation?

    If a waterbender is about to plummet to their ice pavement death, instead of regenerating their bones to health after breaking those with the fall - max 3x3 water bed should jut up from the ice blocks to cushion the fall. Far more realistic in my opinion Yes, was suggested before, but this a...
  18. MeskenasBoii

    Spouts&Catapult ~ SpaceBar

    Small control change, but wouldn't it be a lot intuitive If spacebar was a way to activate its ability? I know it's possible, because I checked on trello that you're planning for AirJump to propell the user through doube tapping spacebar. The Reason I'm suggesting is that to I think it's better...
  19. MeskenasBoii

    Denied MagmaBlast

    Lavabending's subtechnique ability: Sneak to charge it. Once finished, three magma blocks will levitate two blocks up behind the user and with a left click, both simutaniously be shot at three living entities. It will leave a 5x2x5-3x2x3 {bottom-top} pyramid out of magmablocks.
  20. MeskenasBoii

    Suggestion EarthArmor extention

    EarthGautlet: A much less advanced version of earth armor that can be used to throw back opponents with hard solid force (no damage, only knockback). The technique is useful in that it grants some level of the protection of earth armor but allows the rest of the body to remain flexible. To use...