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Side Plugin Spirits Beta 1.0.14


Revived and updated by StrangeOne101

Spirits is a custom add-on plugin which will add 3 new elements to your bending server. Those elements are Spirit, LightSpirit, and DarkSpirit. These elements can be used together, separate, or however you deem necessary to achieve the best result on your sever! The recommended use it to give players access to Spirit and one of the SubElements so that they're considered either a light spirit or a dark spirit. Each of these elements come with their own set of skills and abilities.

The Spirit element is more based on canon logic, strictly following abilities we see in the show, The Legend Of Korra. The LightSpirit and DarkSpirit elements are an interpretation of what we see on the show and their abilities follow their respective lore. LightSpirits are more team based and follow the role of the healer and have more defense based abilitiies with little offense. DarkSpirits, on the other hand, are more aggressive. They specialize in disabling their opponents and delivering quick attacks.

Each ability in the 3 element arsenals are very configurable so you can customize this plugin to your liking!

This ability offers you 2 modes of mobility. The first being the ability to dash forward very quickly. The second being the ability to soar through the skies as if gravity is non-existent.

A very ancient ability of Spirits is the ability to jump inside the body of a human. As a spirit, you'll be able to possess a human for a short amount of time and do harm. While this ability is active, both the Spirit and the target will be motionless.

Spirits are often seen disappearing into thin air and then reappearing somewhere different. With this ability, you can harness that power as well! However, there is a certain duration you are able to vanish for an a radius of how far away from your original location you're allowed to get!

This advanced combo allows a Spirit to dematerialize into a state where they can walk through walls and fly around a certain radius. They are able to do this because of their unique molecular makeup not seen in any other being!

Use this ability to relieve your friends and allies of their negative potion effects, keep using it and you'll give them a small boost of your own health. If your target moves, the ability will cancel.

Notice: The cooldown for Alleviate starts at the PotionInterval.
A very useful tactic when group battling, a light spirit can temporarily shield a friend or even a foe from incoming enemies.

Plant an orb of positive energy on the ground which awaits for oncoming entities. If the orb detects something moving past it, it'll expand and harm anyone in its wake!

After executing the combo sequence, you will mark the ground with positively charged spiritual energy for a duration of time. Entities can come to this location to heal themselves, but dark creatures must beware!
Sacrifice some of your energy to pour a bit of chaos into the souls of your nearby enemies by taking away their positive potion effects and adding negative ones. Then watch as it destroys them from the inside out! The great Spirit Vaatu was known to have this influence over other unbalanced Spirits.

Notice: The cooldown for Intoxicate starts at the PotionInterval.
With this technique a DarkSpirit is able to temporarily trap anyone dead in their tracks, even if you can't see them! Useful for a quick get away...

The most basic ability of an aggressive, unbalanced spirit is to rush towards their enemy and try to bite them in 1 swift motion. When you activate this ability, you'll see your target zone. If your target zone gets in range of another entity, you'll be rushed over to them and deal damage.

A very dangerous combo; used in offense to attack players and infest them with the influence of darkness. When your swarm attaches to an entity, it will begin to damage them then leave them temporarily blind! this ability will not work against other Spirits.

Spirits are so light that not even gravity seems to recognize that they're there. Because of this, when they land on the ground they seem unharmed.

        Description: This ability offers you 2 modes of mobility. The first being
          the ability to dash forward very quickly. The second being the ability to
          soar through the skies as if gravity is non-existant.
        Instructions: 'Left-Click: Dash ⏐ Hold shift: Soar'
        Description: A very ancient ability of Spirits is the ability to jump inside
          the body of a human. As a Spirit, you'll be able to possess a human for
          a short amount of time and do harm. While this ability is active, both the
          Spirit and the target will be motionless.
        Instructions: Hold shift and look at a human.
        Description: This advanced combo allows a Spirit to dematerialize into a state
          where they can walk through walls and fly around a certain radius. They
          are able to do this because of their unqiue molecular makeup not seen in
          any other being!
        Instructions: 'Vanish (Left-click 2x) > Possess (Tap-shift) > Vanish (Left-click)
          ⏐ To Exit: Vanish (Tap-shift)'
        Description: Spirits are often seen disappearing into thin air and then reappearing
          somewhere different. With this ability, you can harness that power as well!
          However, there is a certain duration you are able to vanish for an a radius
          of how far away from your original location you're allowed to get!
        Instructions: 'Hold shift: Disappear ⏐ Release shift: Reappear'
        Description: The healing ability for LightSpirits, this allows you to heal
          yourself and others! When healing, whoever is being healed will be removed
          of ANY negative potion effects aswell as recieve regeneration for a period
          of time.
        Instructions: 'Hold Shift while lookat at a target: Heal them ⏐ Hold Shift
          while looking away: Heal yourself.'
        Description: After executing the combo sequence, you will mark the ground
          with positively charged spiritual energy for a duration of time. Entities
          can come to this location to heal themselves, but dark creatures must beware!
        Instructions: Alleviate (Shift down) > Alleviate (Right-Click block) > Alleviate
          (Release shift)
        Description: Plant an orb of positive energy on the ground which awaits for
          oncoming entities. If the orb detects something moving past it, it'll expand
          and harm anyone in its wake! More features to come...
        Instructions: Hold shift until you see particles. Release shift while looking
          at an area nearby on the ground to plant it there.
        Description: A very useful tactic when group battling, a light spirit can
          temporarily shield a friend or even a foe from incoming enemies. Additionally,
          they have the options to shield themselves!
        Instructions: 'Left click: Shield others ⏐ Hold shift: Shield yourself.'
        Description: Sacrifice some of your energy to pour a bit of chaos into the
          souls of your nearby enemies by taking away their positive potion effects
          and adding negative ones. Then watch as it destroys them from the inside
          out! The great spirit Vaatu was known to have this influence over other
          unbalanced Spirits.
        Instructions: Hold shift
        Description: After executing the combo sequence, you will mark the ground
          with negatively charged spiritual energy for a duration of time. Monsters
          can come to this location for strength, but any other entities must beware!
        Instructions: Intoxicate (Shift down) > Intoxicate (Right-Click block) > Intoxicate
          (Release shift)
        Description: With this technique a DarkSpirit is able to temporarily trap
          an anyone dead in their tracks, even if you can't see them! Useful for a
          quick get away...
        Instructions: Left click
        Description: The most basic ability of an aggressive, unbalanced Spirit is
          to rush towards their enemy and try to bite them in 1 swift motion. When
          you activate this ability, you'll see your target zone. If your target zone
          gets in range of another entity, you'll be rushed over to them an deal damage.
        Instructions: Left-Click to trigger target spectacle
        Description: A rare technique practice amongst waterbenders is the ability
          to influence a Spirits nature towards either the darkness or the light.
          Using this ability, you can influence a DarkSpirit to be peaceful and guide
          them towards the light.
        Instructions: Hold shift while looking at an entity
        Description: A rare technique practice amongst waterbenders is the ability
          to influence a Spirits nature towards either the darkness or the light.
          Using this ability, you can influence a LightSpirit to be chaotic and follow
          the will of the great DarkSpirit, Vatuu.
        Instructions: Hold shift while looking at an entity
        Enabled: true
          Cooldown: 2000
          Distance: 3
          Cooldown: 4500
          Duration: 1000
          Speed: 0.8
        Enabled: true
        Cooldown: 5000
        Radius: 5
        Damage: 5
        Duration: 2000
        DisablePunching: true
        Enabled: true
        Cooldown: 7000
        Duration: 10000
        ChargeTime: 1500
        Range: 20
        Radius: 10
        ParticleFrequency: 5
        RemoveFire: true
          Enabled: true
          HealthRequired: 10
          DivideFactor: 2
          Enabled: true
          Cooldown: 20000
          Duration: 10000
          Range: 10
          MinHealth: 6
            ApplyCooldown: true
            Cooldown: 20000
        Enabled: true
          Cooldown: 5000
          Range: 5
          PotionInterval: 2000
          HealInterval: 5000
          SelfDamage: 6
          Cooldown: 5000
          ChargeTime: 2000
          HealDuration: 1.5
          NightVisionDuration: 1.5
          RemoveNegativePotionEffects: true
          Red: 255
          Green: 255
          Blue: 255
        Enabled: true
        Cooldown: 10000
        ChargeTime: 2000
        Duration: 30000
        Damage: 3
        PlaceRange: 20
        DetonateRange: 3
        EffectRange: 5
        BlindnessDuration: 120
        NauseaDuration: 300
        PotionPower: 2
        RequireGround: true
        Enabled: true
        RemoveOnDamage: true
        Duration: 7000
        Range: 20
          ClickDelay: 2000
          Cooldown: 10000
          ShieldSize: 5
          KnockbackPower: 1
          Cooldown: 10000
          ShieldSize: 4
          KnockbackPower: 1
          Enabled: true
          Distance: 5
          Enabled: true
          Cooldown: 15000
          Duration: 10000
          Radius: 5
          Damage: 1
          EffectInterval: 10
          HurtDarkSpirits: true
          HurtMonsters: true
        Enabled: true
        Cooldown: 5000
        Radius: 5
        PotionInterval: 2000
        HarmInterval: 5000
        SelfDamage: 4
          Red: 255
          Green: 0
          Blue: 0
        Enabled: true
        Cooldown: 5000
        Duration: 2500
        Range: 20
        Radius: 2
        Enabled: true
        Cooldown: 4000
        Range: 5
        Damage: 3
          Enabled: true
          Cooldown: 15000
          Duration: 10000
          Radius: 8
          EffectInterval: 10
          Damage: 1
          DamageEntities: true
          HealDarkSpirits: true
        Enabled: true
        Cooldown: 5000
        Duration: 20000
        Range: 10
        SetElement: true
        SwitchPercent: 0.33
        Enabled: true
        Cooldown: 5000
        Duration: 20000
        Range: 10
        SetElement: true
        Damage: 7
        SwitchPercent: 0.33
Download via the download button above.
Locate the download on your computer then place it in the plugins folder.
Restart your server to begin the installation process.

Set "teleport-invulnerability" to "0"
in your Essentials config file.
Not doing this will result in some of the abilities
not working properly.

Minecraft version 1.13.2 (latest version)
ProjectKorra version 1.8.8

After following those directions and insuring you have the correct requirements, this project should run smoothly on your server.

If something isn't functioning correctly or you need more specific instructions on anything you can receive help by two different methods:
Posting the details of your issue in the discussion.
Creating a conversation with me, here, on the ProjectKorra forums.
Add me on Discord: Numin#8042

If I'm not able to help you at the moment or at all, surely there is always someone else out there ready and willing to help you! Most issues are caused by a simple versioning error.

When posting anywhere that you need help, regardless on which method above you chose, it's very important that we get all of the information we can to help in the most effective way possible. Here's some things we'll need to know:

Minecraft/Spigot version
ProjectKorra version

Spirits version
Error message in the console (if applicable)
How to recreate the problem

There are many different ways that you are able to contribute to the project, some not even involving code! If you'd like to help out in the development of this project that'd be awesome! Here are some ways that you can help:
Creating pull requests or issues on GitHub
Posting your suggestions in the Discussion
Creating help posts (using the format above) of any issues you have.

Want More?
Try these awesome addons for Spirits!

Spirits: The Complete Set - Pride

This is not an official ProjectKorra ability, therefore, no official support will be provided in any threads other than this one. Use at your own risk.

If you use the plugin Essentials you need to set "teleport-invulnerability" to "0" for some of these abilities and/or features to work properly.

The releases named Beta are not recommended for public server use. These releases are considered early and therefor could harm your server or have unprecedented bugs.
First release
Last update
4.68 star(s) 19 ratings

More resources from xNuminousx

Latest updates

  1. Beta 1.0.14

    This update was made possible by the many fixes and improvements contributed by StrangeOne101...
  2. Beta 1.0.13

    Changes ◆ Updated the plugin to Spigot 1.13.2 & ProjectKorra 1.8.8 compatibility. ◆ Added new...
  3. Beta 1.0.12

    New Installation Instructions The time has come! The Spirits project has now been converted to a...

Latest reviews

My real rating is 5 stars but there is this problem with 'possess' I keep getting. I tried to friend you on discord but never responded. I keep getting 'something happened with possess, please contact owner and tell them what you did RIGHT NOW'. Or something like that.. please fix it and tell me how. I can edit config if that helps. My friend request is still pending so you can message me there (Bueing).
Rewrite the plugin please chuchut, I will pay if necessary, I need to transfer the abilities with Sprits to LightSpirit and DarkSpirit and re-recognize that's when to add to LightSpirit abilities with Spirits then add the word Light to the abilities, but to DarkSpirit the word Dark and remove the element Spirits
plssssssss do it projectkorra 1.90!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need it
Quite honestly I really enjoyed this side plugin, but there can be a lot of stuff to be added for one something that would be really cool is like a move that would bring you into spirit form which would be toggleable where you could phase through walls and fly around but in that form you couldnt attack, It would look like you were a blue ghost in that form And if possible make your character transparent, And there could be a lot more added to spirit, and maybe make something where you can actually possess people
The ability you're talking about is called Phase. Do /b d spiritcombos in game to read about the ability.
Pretty good but purify isnt working
Good but what is the choosing perms?
the choosing for this is currently broken. im not sure if it's ProjectKorra not cooperating well with the custom elements or if it's on me. To give players the elements, I recommend using some sort of automatic system. For example, players can click a command sign that uses an OP perm to give them an element. Or if you're selling them, the shop your using can execute an OP command to give them the elements. Regardless, an OP command is required to give out elements.
Love it! Works really well and its a great add on!
Thank you!
Very nice plugin! Was wondering tho it says there are 3 spirits elements Spirit ehh where is that?
Thank you! And yes, there are currently 3 additional elements that this plugin provides. That is Spirit, LightSpirit, and DarkSpirit. You can see them in game by executing the following command: /b d [element]. I coded the project this way because at the time of making this over a year ago Subelements could not load properly with the way I had it set up.
1. possess doesnt hurt players it does work only on other entities.
2. strike also only works on entities rather than players
3. and i wanna give players dark or light with normal spirit when they pick one
4. shackle doesnt work since the last update i hope you'll fix it
this plugin is rly amazing thx for creating it :3
I'm aware of people having issues with 1 & 2, although I'm not experiencing this on the server I develop. But we use a custom PK jar so maybe there's something up with the public PK version.

For 3, you'll need to have an admin command apply elements for players. I've seen servers using holograms and signs to give elements. When users click on the hologram/sign, a series of commands are run and the desired elements are applied!

For 4, yes shackle is different and that is going to be adjusted in the next update but I haven't noticed it not working at all. Please PM me with more details, I'd like to hear more about this.

Thank you for your review despite these issues your having! It means a lot!
I will never be able to express the excitement I get every time I see there is an update, I just love watching this plugin evolve and grow. But as always I am here to list some problems that I found.

1. Purify/Corrupt changes go back to normal after relog. At first I thought the chat prefix would get fixed after a relog because the element did change but the prefix was still the same. Then it turned out that relogging makes your original spirit type come back. (no idea if that is intentional but if it is intentional, it would be cool to have a config option to change the element permanently or for a certain time period)

2. All of your other elements get removed when Purified/Corrupted. If you have for example the Spirit element along with the DarkSpirit element and you get purified your Spirit element will leave and DarkSpirit will turn into LightSpirit. Same goes for any other element, basically Purify/Corrupt removes all of your elements and changes the one needed. (of course a relog changes that as mentioned before)

3. If you only have the Spirit element and someone uses Purify/Corrupt you do not get any changes (also not sure if it's intentional, but it would be a cool feature if isn't intentional).

4. Purify/Corrupt sometimes duplicates one of your elements after relog. I had the elements "Spirit" and "DarkSpirit", I purified myself and my element changed to "LightSpirit" (of course the spirit element was removed as I stated before), after I relogged I had two "Spirit" elements and one "DarkSpirit". (I was not able to figure out what is the cause of the problem but I think it happens randomly)

Despite its flaws, this plugin always has something new to excite me with and amazes me in many ways. I am not sure if the things I "suggested" in my parentheses are possible due to my lacked experience with coding, so excuse me if I am asking for the impossible. I wish you luck in the plugin's development, keep the good updates going.
Thank you for reporting your issues and still giving a good review. Some of these we already know of and are working to fix but the others are news to me. We will try to have these issues fixed and have them in the next update!