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I have a suggestion for a firebending move named "Ignite". When the firebender right-clicks with the slot which this move is bound, they will ignite their body and any mob that initiates physical contact with the firebender or that hits them will instantly get on fire and depending of their...
Very basic move, simply right click a block to disintegrate it with fire bending. The move will soon be updated to make it more useful once i learn some more java and have some more free time. It is a more simple move not the greatest as far as being useful, I'm posting it because it is my first...
FireBlast(Hold Shift) FireShots(Left Click) FireShots(Left Click)
FireSwirl allows FireBenders to control two streams of fire to scorch their enemies
Configuration Options
cooldown: 2000
distance: 25.0
damage: 5.0...
combustionbending move and attack ability
Discord: Dreig_Michihi#8876
Please, leave rating and comment if you liked it,
Contact with me, if you find some bugs, thank you :3
Having solved the secret of subordinating explosions to their will...
SparklingFire(PK 1.9.3)
firebending survival ability
Discord: Dreig_Michihi#8876
Please, leave rating and comment if you liked it,
Contact with me, if you find some bugs, thank you :3
SparklingFire is a firebending technique that creates a small ball of sparkling flame that is...
This is not an official ProjectKorra ability, therefore, no official support will be provided in any threads other than this one. Use at your own risk.
InnerFlame v1.0.2
Description: As seen in the Rise of Kyoshi novel, firebenders are able to resist harmful toxins because of their...
This is not an official ProjectKorra ability, therefore, no official support will be provided in any threads other than this one. Use at your own risk.
works for pk 1.9.0
"Shoot a Combustsmoke at a wall or floor to create a smoke, people inside it get invisible and blinded! Make sure you don't...
This is not an official ProjectKorra ability, therefore, no official support will be provided in any threads other than this one. Use at your own risk.
Ability description: As a firebender you can point your anger to a fire source and raise it. Idea is taken from "The Beach" episode of ATLA...
Boil your targets as an egg!
Boiling water and enhancing the heat, Boil ability can evaporate water and the waterspouts on it while giving damage to others. You can easily stop the heat by using HeatControl for yourself.
FireBlast (Tap Shift) > FireBlast (Hold Shift) >...
FlameBreath [Firebending]
The greatest firebenders were able to breath fire! These firebenders learned from the majestic dragons which are now extinct, but fortunately they passed on their sacred bending arts to you! By breathing super-hot air, you can cause it to spontaneously combust, burning...
FireJet is a fundamental utility move for firebenders. It allows the firebender to blast fire behind them to propel them forward, which can prevent them from taking fall damage or to escape from deadly situations.
But this time you're gliding and you have different particles.
Introducing ProjectJelly!
ProjectJelly is a brand new Ability plugin that will add many different abilities to ProjectKorra to enhance game play. Yes it is similar to JedCore but as Jed no longer supports JedCore I thought it...
BlueFire. It would be cool, gorgeous and nice, when a BlueFire permission would be added to the PK plugin.
Like: bending.bluefire or something like this. All the firebending ablities would turn into bluefire [Maybe combustion too? Nah, bluecombustion is weird.. REALLY weird...] Like a Fireburst...
Firebenders like Azula are able to use their FireJet to propel themselves backwards instead of forwards! They will deal damage as they bash towards their enemy.
Tap sneak to propel yourself backwards.
Lit move, thanks @Sobki for helping me by making this move. ;) Or... thanks @Sobki for making this move for me that I currently own now.
ETA: My god, you people...
Sobki made the move for me, thank you for that, and I own it now.
He wanted something, I wanted something. I gave him that...
This ability creates a consistent stream of flame at your fingertips, whatever unfortunate entity that crosses the path of said flames will be damaged.
This ability is designed to work with versions 1.8.3+ of ProjectKorra Core.
DON'T STEAL FIRE. Taste the sun.
/b h Rekindle; for more info.
Hold shift to charge. Once fully charged, 2 rings will appear, and you will recieve Regeneration, Spectral Glowing and will extinguish all Fire effects. If bestowed by the titan, your effects will be boosted...
My view of a no charge Lightning combo is when Mako uses Lightning on Amon without charging it, and still doing mass damage, but is less powerful than a regular Lightning strike. Less explosive, but more 'stunning'.
Let's call this combo: Voltage. (For now at least)
Usage: Lightning (Left...
As the title says, make Lightning have a longer duration than just 1 strike. Although, you should keep the 1 strike Lightning as well, maybe even make it more powerful, idk. Even though this is mentioned and maybe even suggested at one time, just to bump it up again, here it is.
(1 Strike)...
Fire Serpent
Have you ever wanted to be a serpent? Well... Too bad. You cant be one. That's stupid. BUT!!!! You can make one out of fiyah!!!
Concentrate your breath into a single point. Conceal the fire...