FlameBreath [Firebending]
Combo Input:
HeatControl (double tap sneak) > HeatControl (hold sneak)
The greatest firebenders were able to breath fire! These firebenders learned from the majestic dragons which are now extinct, but fortunately they passed on their sacred bending arts to you! By breathing super-hot air, you can cause it to spontaneously combust, burning all entities and the ground within its radius!Combo Input:
HeatControl (double tap sneak) > HeatControl (hold sneak)
Cooldown: 8000
Damage: 1
FireTick: 30
Range: 6
Duration: 5000
Ground: true
Entities: true
Rainbow: true
bending.ability.FlameBreath - access to the ability
bending.ability.FlameBreath.rainbow - access to rainbow particle effect
bending.ability.FlameBreath.rainbow - access to rainbow particle effect