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Search results

  1. owlcool

    Walloffire and Fireshield

    Element: Fire Move Name: Fireshield Use: When you shift click on fireshield, it creates a walloffire. It just saves a slot like how water wave and waterspout were combined.
  2. owlcool

    Denied Fire Evaporation

    Element: Fire Use: water puts out fire, right? Well, fire evaporates water. Maybe if you used a move like fireblast it would destroy a block of water. This should be able to turn off and on, default off. If the waterbender was in the specific block the block would give the damage of fireblast...
  3. owlcool

    Denied FireRaise

    Element: Fire Use: basically a spike of fire would come up on the opponent you click towards. Combo: fireblast like in firekick, click, click, fireshield click, shift click. Example: 1:09 1:09
  4. owlcool

    Suffocation Changes

    Element: Air Move Name: Suffocation Changes: changes the blindness effect to nausea for realism, however for more realism the nausea effect should last for about 10-20 seconds if/after the suffocation stops/gets interrupted.
  5. owlcool

    Denied Armor Burning Effect

    Element: Fire Use: This would increase the amount of burning damage armored opponents get, in most cases that is. It is realistic to think that metal conducts heat, so that is why it makes sense. This would also make fire do more durability damage to armor, since it melts it and let's it...
  6. owlcool

    Throwing a Freaking Wall at Someone

    Element: Earth Use: 3 earth benders line up in a row, evenly use raiseearth and then all charge shockwave and then click on the wall in their respective spots and the wall will slowly fly forward, and the first person it hits it falls over on, effectively one hitting that bender and any unlucky...
  7. owlcool

    Denied Grapple Shock

    Element: Fire Use: Forebenders would be able to aim lightning down a metal cable(grappling hook) by just clicking the line with lightning, and it would remove the grapple, and do 1.5 the damage of normal lightning.
  8. owlcool

    Denied Fire-Jabs

    Element: Fire Use: a shorter ranged, less damaging number of fireblasts, but with the same amount of knockback. Combo: completely fireblast, shift click, shift click, click.
  9. owlcool

    Denied Fire Daggers

    Element: Fire Move Name: FireDaggers Use: If you keep your cursor In the fire dagger slot, then you will get a 2 heart damage boost to each punch, and it would catch your opponent on fire. This entire move will be stopped if your opponent wears any armor other then leather all over their body...
  10. owlcool


    While yes, I have seen a suggestion for this same move, this is going to be different, and I could not fine the original post. Element: Lavabending Use: This would create a boomerang like shuriken that will follow uthe lavabender around, it would be the same block as the smallest flow of lava...
  11. owlcool

    Suggestion Jings

    Remember People, This Is In RPG. Use: Correlating to each person's jings, using offensive abilities with positive jing would get a slight boost, and using defensive abilitys with neutral elements would get a slight boost, and offensive abilities would get a slight debuff and vice versa to the...
  12. owlcool

    Pro-bending Forums

    In suggestions if you post something it does not show up in recent posts.
  13. owlcool

    Looking Into More games

    Element: Metalbending and Airbending Air: Airball http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Airball Metal: Power Disc http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Power_disc How power disc could be possible: Have the metal disk be a iron slab and have it bounce off of all blocks except offensive moves. (In which case it...
  14. owlcool

    Looking Into Bending Variations

    Element: All Changes: This would create variations upon bending, such as a faster or slower earthbender, doing more damage with each move as the stronger earthbender but losing the ability to shoot more then one earthblast, and the warmup and cooldown for moves would be extended, or a faster...
  15. owlcool

    Suggestion Fire Ability

    Element: Fire Move Name: HealingFlames Use: This would decrease or heal damage by spirits. Cannon: This has been seen when korra lost her memory and a firebender at least detected what was wrong with korra.
  16. owlcool

    Suggestion Fire Sword

    Element: Fire Item: A fire sword that increases the power of firebending 3 times as much in whatever slot it is in except heatcontrol and firejet. So a fireblast 3 times as powerful. Crafting: Diamond sword with another diamond sword and a nether star, and a netherrack in any pattern in the...
  17. owlcool

    Denied Upgraded Combustion

    Element: Combustion Use: Someone could either make a upgraded combustion that follows your cursor while you hold shift until it explodes, which happens until you let go of shift, until it reaches it's range, or it hits a object or player. This needs a larger explosion radius also, or if you tap...
  18. owlcool

    Complete Water Tribe Water Sacs Leggings

    Element: Water Use: This would make it possible to craft water bottles together with armor leggings. This would create the same type of leggings but with a added water bottle effect. The water would always return, but you would be able to craft multiple bottles into the leggings to use more...
  19. owlcool

    Denied Iron Armor Upgrade

    Element: Metalbending Use: This would make it possible to use moves like metalclips and future ingot related moves from iron chestplates in exchange for durability. Pros: This would give metalbenders the ability to use more of their inventory for things other then holding iron ingots. Cons...
  20. owlcool

    New Config Option

    I am not certain that this does not exist, but if it does not exist then it should be added. You know how water master hama can take water from JUST TINY flowers? Maybe add a config option adding that waterbenders can bend water out of grass and/or mysellsium. I know this may take a while to...