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Search results

  1. owlcool

    Denied Volt Lunge

    Move Name: VoltLunge Use: This move would blast you foward about five blocks, after a three second(configurable) shift then release warmup, doing 5 damage(configurable) to the first person who you hit. However, it would paralyze you afterwards and you would be unable to bend for about, oh lets...
  2. owlcool

    Suggestion Wall Of Fire

    Move Name: WallOfFire Use: This would buff walloffire, to be able to block more moves. After all, I doubt that this, couldn't block this. Debuff: WallOfFire would have a bigger cooldown and would only be able to block a set amount of moves before breaking.
  3. owlcool

    Denied Firebending Underwater

    Element: fire Use: This would make it possible to use firebending moves underwater. Fireblast: fireblast would have abput one block of range, (configurable), to make water campers somewhat less powerful. While fire is debuffed underwater, it is still possible, seen by the zuko when the fire...
  4. owlcool

    Denied Making Water Less Spammy

    When in the show did they ever show a waterbender using 2 water balls at once. Never? And when in the show have they shown fire use more then 1 fireblast? Maaaany times. Fire is a offensive element. Water is a balanced element. And if earth is a defensive element, it doesn't seem to make much...
  5. owlcool

    Suggestion Cherry Pit

    Use: Every wanted to roleplay as azula? Now you can!!! Changes: This changes apples to have a 1/60 chance to do half a heart of damage to you. Source:
  6. owlcool


    Element: Ice Move Name: IceRush Use: Click on ice, and shift until a line of ice goes toward the direction your cursor is, going over land, water, and ice. This would do damage, and knockup the bender a couple blocks, and freeze the bender in place, with the ice on the bottom melting first...
  7. owlcool

    Denied Water/Earth Jet

    Use: This would create a jet on ice for water, or dirt/grass for earth. It would blast each bender foward about 10 blocks, the waterbender could go 5 blocks into land, and the earthbender could go 5 blocks into ice/snow/water. If they hit each other, both jets stop and both benders get nausea...
  8. owlcool

    Illumination Extention

    Element: Fire Use: When shifting on the illumination slot, a torch will appear on the block your cursor rests on. Need: When you want a couple more feet of light in a certain direction, use this.
  9. owlcool

    Vine Wrap

    Element: Plantbending Move Name: VineWrap Use: This would wrap your opponent in vines, causing them to be vulnarable to any one firebending move, 2 earthblasts or 1 shockwave, 3 watermanipulations or 2 torrents, or 5 airbending moves for 10 seconds. if they get hit by the requirements they are...
  10. owlcool

    Suggestion More Accurate Sun and Moon Boosts

    Elements: Water and Fire. Fire Use: This would decrease the boost in the morning, but it would have the boost be strongest halfway through the minecraft day, being around noon, since fire is strongest around noon from the sun being closest to the earth. So maybe 10% boost a little before...
  11. owlcool

    Suggestion Airbending Pouch

    With this, a airbender would have a empty bottle. they were under water they could use a airbending move, like airswipe. The bottle would fill up with water, and be moved to the hotbar. To refill the bottle with air, the airbender would have to take it to the surface, and if the airbender had...
  12. owlcool

    Suggestion Lightning Randomnization

    Use: This would separate lightning users into a few categorys. First off, a firebender would have a 50% chance to know just plain firebending. 35% To know just plain lightning redirection(see zuko,), and that would have a few more things added. You would be able to take a source like from a...
  13. owlcool

    Fire Side-Waves

    Example: Use: Two 3 block 3 wide waves of flame in particle form moving towards both sides, being toward left and right. Combo: fireblast, fireblast, shift blaze, fireshield and right click on the ground 3 times. Damage: Configurable, but up to the people who comment below for default. Cannon...
  14. owlcool

    Suggestion Waterbending Source Move Changes

    Surge: When you use water it would have the default effects. When you use snow, it would be fluffy, and would give slowness, and would replace the surge water blocks with snow blocks. With ice it would have small shards of ice(icebullet shards in surge water), one per block, and would do half a...
  15. owlcool

    Suggestion Elemental Balancing

    Water Balancing: With this, waterbenders would not be able to swim in the ocean for a indefinite amount of time. First off, waterbubble would have a giant cooldown, and phasechange would have a rightclick on ice feature, that would make the ice follow you, in a way that you can't fall into...
  16. owlcool

    Denied Mario Style Fire Balls

    We have been waiting for this, the time when someone makes a uncannon suggestion, because there is no more Atla or lok. Theoretically, a Firebender would be able to throw a fireball that bounces on the ground. Name: FlowerBalls Damage: 1/2 heart No warmups or cool downs, like water manipulation...
  17. owlcool

    Metalbending Earthgrab Upgrade

    Upgrade: Shift from a iron block, click towards target. Surge sized wall goes straight towards opponent and wraps them in iron, and if they break any of the blocks it does not drop the block. This would regen after a little while. Possible blocks: iron bars, iron blocks, iron doors with iron...
  18. owlcool

    Denied LavaCrescent

    Element: Lava Combo or Movename: earthblast, earthblast, lavasurge. LavaCrescent. Use: either a move named LavaCrescent, shift on lava and then click towards target, two lava crescents go towards your target, or the combo but instead of lavasurge it has the two crescents. Show: 0:14, just a...
  19. owlcool

    Chi blocking

    Passive: When chi blockers sprint they should be able to run through walloffire without burning themselves, if they run straight through it though. So if they run from the side through it, it will have the same effects, but not if they run and jump right through 1 block only. Source: 1:10
  20. owlcool

    Denied More Fireblast Use

    Move: Fireblast Name: Fireballs Use: hold shift on fireblast until you see smoke, then left click to release 5 half damage of fireblast fireballs, slight explosion but no explosion damage. (helps spread the radius.) Each fireball shoots in the direction of your cursor like fireblast, but each...