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Search results

  1. owlcool

    Break The Walls Down!!!

    I bet you expected a music video. Alas, you will be disappointed. This is a suggestion for all elements. Move along now. xD Element: All Use: Breaking wooden doors down. Fire: Fireblast should break down wooden doors at close range. Water: Torrent should break down wooden doors. Earth...
  2. owlcool

    Denied Water Arms

    Element: Water Move Name: WaterArms Yes, I already know that waterarms has been suggested and denied many times. This may be the first suggestion to last, so please stay with me here. Okay, so I have been looking at the waterarms suggestions, and I have been thinking of ways to get all the...
  3. owlcool

    Firebending Rework

    1. Fireblast needs to be changed up to be quicker, firebending has been shown many many many times to be faster then it is in the plugin. So here is my proposal to change that, fireblast click would make a small fireball that would do 1/2-2 hearts damage(You guys down in comments say what should...
  4. owlcool

    Waterbending Rework

    1. Swifter change of moves, such as a waterbender should be able to use waterwave by switching slots from a octopusform that came from a actual source, and that after a torrent comes within 5 blocks of you that is yours while you are pulling it towards you it should be able to become a...
  5. owlcool

    Denied Airbending Rework

    1. Airswipe, like totally, needs more range. It should also be turned on it's side or diagonally or right side up every once in a while to represent the airbender swiping downwards or upwards at different angles. 2. Although airbending is the fastest element, out of all of the elements...
  6. owlcool

    Chi-Blocking Rework

    1. A chi blocker should be more vulnerable to damage while rapidpunching, but only if they take the damage from a source other then the target, and for rapidpunch to continue maybe it should require the player to actually keep punching for the duration of rapidpunch instead of being able to...
  7. owlcool

    Denied Earthbending Rework

    1. First and formost, shockwave spam should be eliminated. It is cheap, laggy, unfair, and not cannon. If anyone disagrees with that, please show some actual evidence from the tv show, I don't even think Toph did something like that. 2. Shockwave going in all directions should have a decreased...
  8. owlcool

    Canon or Not Canon

  9. owlcool

    Airshield Rework

    At 4:52 in this video you can see how Aang uses a version of airshield that was present in the show, but is different in the plugin. Okay, my proposal is to add knockback to airshield, and reduce the range of airshield shift to that of fireshield shift. And also that there should be airshield...
  10. owlcool

    Suggestion Dark and Light Spirit Particles

    So I was basically thinking, Man, What could we do to make spirits easy to pick apart? Then a Brilliant idea hit me, Why not just use particles? So if you have any ideas for particles that could be used post down below. Here is a list of particles I found...
  11. owlcool

    Denied ANGRY BENDERS!!!!!

    Okay, a idea just came to me. If you are a bender, such as a firebender, earthbender, airbender, or waterbender, you would have consequences for typing in all caps in the chat, such as having a giant fireburst that also lights you on fire and having heatcontrol disabled, stuff like that for...
  12. owlcool

    Denied Healing Waters Realism

    Now, Using water to heal is instinctual among waterbenders, this was demonstrated by Katara, when she put her burnt hand into water, she healed it, although she was actively trying to get relief from the water. So my suggestion is, when you have a healing potion(It can't be splash potion), you...
  13. owlcool

    Denied IceBlind

    I know that is a terrible name, but stick with me here. Element: Ice Combo: It is a combo, consisting of holding shift on ice for three seconds with iceblast, then cllcking in the air with icespike. This would have the same range as iceblast. Use: This move would do the normal damage of...
  14. owlcool

    Denied Icebending Changes

    Idea, maybe have a singular, long spike of ice for iceblast, and smaller shards for icespike. An example of icespike would look like this: So mainly this thread is about making the look of icebending better. Maybe have iceblast be a block with a spike at the end of it made out of ice...
  15. owlcool

    EarthSmash and IceSmash!!!

    Element: Earth and Ice Use: this would make a small explosion appear if two earthblast or moves made of earth have a small explosion that pushes you back, half a heart damage. Ice would do the same, but wih no knockback, and replaced with shards of ice. Waterbending, Airbending, and Firebending...
  16. owlcool

    Why We Don't Use The Movie as a Source

    If we get 50 votes for kill M.Night Shymalin we might just make a plan! We don't use the movie as a source for the plugin, The movie was absolutely terrible. Need some examples of why it was terrible? http://www.racebending.com/v4/faq/faq-airbender/ Sokka was there for the longest time for...
  17. owlcool

    Gaara vs Toph

  18. owlcool

    Addon Moves Suggestion

    I know this isn't in the right place for this, but there is no right place for it. I suggest we add a addon move suggestion thread. In that location there would be suggestions for add on moves This would make a whole new degree of possible moves, such as making it possible to make somewhat...
  19. owlcool

    Bending Survival

    Is Bending making surviving too easy? I mean, it is fully possible to survive without meat on hardcore mode, when you spawn in a snow biome, and airbending doesn't even make you not eat meat to get the hunger resistance bonus. Firebending cooks food, Waterbending provides a great defense against...
  20. owlcool

    Complete Lightning Buff

    Just a little idea, this could be configured off, of course. This would make a paralyze effect, this would occur after the the hit touches the ground or water, assuming the player hit is on the ground, they will be stuck in place for 3 seconds or slowness from the electricity still coursing into...