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  1. Legendary_ocean

    Amazing avatar resource pack revival need your help

    this isn't working with minecraft 1.12.2 .-. pleaseee update this T.T
  2. Legendary_ocean

    Amazing avatar resource pack revival need your help

    Look like amazing :eek: i think just dia axe should Sokka's Boomerang !!
  3. Legendary_ocean


    You didn't fix the particles? " Continuous shift click more dust so more particles and lag o_O . cooldown is broken. 5x tap shift = 5x dustcloud [ at the same time 5x dustclod particles ] and Update for 1.8.6 please? :D "
  4. Legendary_ocean


    this is airpunch .-. Just with charge
  5. Legendary_ocean


    the best metal ability. this is should add the projectkorra, when you fixed.
  6. Legendary_ocean

    Suggestion Flight

    this isn't airspout. airspout can break by watermanipulation or some moves but this isn't. AirSpout and flight are separate things. AirSpout has a height limit. Flight also has no height limit. You can go as high as you want and bend. look at the this: why doesn't he do it with an air spout...
  7. Legendary_ocean

    Suggestion Flight

    Flight I will now suggestion you a different flight ability. I don't find the flight ability that we use now very useful and nice. It's a bit like Zaheer's flight ability. (pk 1.8.7 flight) My suggestion is that the flight action is not multi-talent and is used with other abilities. I can tell...
  8. Legendary_ocean

    Looking Into Watermanipulation addition

    amazing suggestion. i like it.
  9. Legendary_ocean


    where is old infest ? Could you add this old combo as a different combo? it will be the same combo in one but will bring different situations with different movements. Infest: Description: A very dangerous combo; used in offense to attack players and infest them with the influence of darkness...
  10. Legendary_ocean


    @StrangeOne101 Do you fix this problem?
  11. Legendary_ocean

    ProjectKorra (Core)

    yess !! finnaly
  12. Legendary_ocean

    The [New] ProjectKorra Server Discussion Thread!

    we have very few players on the server and we must advertise , and we must introduce us and prepare a map of the avatar world. players will want to explore maps and feel themselves in the film.
  13. Legendary_ocean

    Suggestion Bring Back the Old Catapult!

    No , i did a suggestion
  14. Legendary_ocean

    Suggestion Bring Back the Old Catapult!

    Sprint + left click = horizontal catapult This is suggestion !!!!
  15. Legendary_ocean

    Suggestion description of sub-elements

    Sub-elements should have a description for /b h command. sample: /b h blood Bloodbending is a sub-skill within waterbending, recognized as the darkest and deadliest of all specialized techniques. It was discovered by Hama during her imprisonment at a facility designed to detain waterbenders...
  16. Legendary_ocean

    Suggestion vegetarian airbenders

    no no xd I'm actually talking about herbivore foods. ~edited , you should read it again the my suggestion
  17. Legendary_ocean

    Suggestion vegetarian airbenders

    we know air benders has very high saturation and and air benders can quickly clear their openings after eating natural foods. my suggestion is that the air benders should fill up their hunger bars quickly by eating vegetable foods. The airbender fills up two times more hunger bar after eating...
  18. Legendary_ocean


    Amazing :eek:
  19. Legendary_ocean

    Anti hack plugin which is in a accordance with the PK

    Yes , players can use the fly and speed hack or more. If there is a plugin for protection from hacking, the players can't use the projectkorra abilities. Sample: Airblast , Firejet etc.