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  1. Legendary_ocean


    You can’t use this command for yourself
  2. Legendary_ocean


    have we waterbender mob ?
  3. Legendary_ocean


  4. Legendary_ocean

    Bug Report erors

    I reloaded my server and got these errors. https://paste.ofcode.org/XYbrphzcvtwRVyKqcrzWQn = http://bit.ly/2JNh9vI
  5. Legendary_ocean


  6. Legendary_ocean


    if you do element selection with bending gui compass or /bg choose and you leave the server and re-enter, your sub-elements will be gone. you should be member. Sub elements of the elements selected with the bending gui will be deleted at the next entry to the server enter the server selecet...
  7. Legendary_ocean


  8. Legendary_ocean


    or can you update the bending gui for pk 1.8.6 ?
  9. Legendary_ocean

    HighJump Replacement

    Can you add an option to turn off particles?
  10. Legendary_ocean

    i love your all earthbending moves. <3

    i love your all earthbending moves. <3
  11. Legendary_ocean

    In Development Inferno Punch Uprade Ideas!

    i like '' Level 4 First Path)(Option A) '' and ''Level 4 Second Path)(Option A) ''. :)
  12. Legendary_ocean


    i have this problem too .
  13. Legendary_ocean

    Singular player receives internal error when trying to choose bending.

    are you did reload the plugins? do this