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Search results

  1. Legendary_ocean

    Bug Report a few bug

    i can show you all bugs.
  2. Legendary_ocean

    Avatar Map

    so good luck
  3. Legendary_ocean

    Avatar Map

    2 GB avatar map.
  4. Legendary_ocean

    Avatar Map

    i hate you beacuse you are ignorant
  5. Legendary_ocean

    Avatar Map

    no everthing is money .-.
  6. Legendary_ocean

    Avatar Map

    you have friends , it is ok but has aqualon builder friends?
  7. Legendary_ocean

    Avatar Map

    you don't have 200 paund? right? so you never get a free map
  8. Legendary_ocean

    Avatar Map

    have you 200 paund ?
  9. Legendary_ocean

    Avatar Map

    no one gives you free map.
  10. Legendary_ocean


    don't delete please
  11. Legendary_ocean

    Bug Report a few bug

    Bugs: Sometimes Icespike doesn't hit and doesn't come to bottle. Use ice-spike when looking at plants or players then icespike will collapse. The cooldown of torrent is being activated every time i left click to keep it or turn it around myself and also when im trying to turn it into ice...
  12. Legendary_ocean

    Suggestion IceBullet Combo development

    I don't saw ice combustion on the movie
  13. Legendary_ocean


    Suggestion: Add config Add cooldown setting Add grab range setting Add permission
  14. Legendary_ocean


    Bugs: If player did torrent redirection with bottles , player will use two torrent. (torrent with bottle and +redirection torrent If player selected a source then will torrent redirection , player will use two torrent. (torrent with source [plants,water,ice etc.] and +redirection torrent)
  15. Legendary_ocean

    Suggestion IceBullet Combo development

    IceBullet now used icebullet's ice pieces are moving in a single line and it is very difficult to hit one when using this gesture.my idea is that ice pieces come in more than one place, not out in a single line. https://i.makeagif.com/media/9-27-2018/mLUYFh.gif Ice pieces should come in...
  16. Legendary_ocean

    Finished Sound Pack

    How can i use thats sounds for bending sounds?
  17. Legendary_ocean


    if the user is trying to cleanse ,cleanse should paralyzed the players in cleanse process.
  18. Legendary_ocean

    Spiritual Projection

    why loony's banned?
  19. Legendary_ocean

    Amazing avatar resource pack revival need your help

    i can't download anything from here https://www.dropbox.com/s/jreyro3vh2n3bjp/1.12%20Default%20Resource%20Pack.zip?dl=0