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  1. Legendary_ocean


    I noticed a few problems or bugs.
  2. Legendary_ocean


    a move or combo will call your friend spirit for you from spirit world. For DarkSpirits: a phantom that doesn't attack its owner will be born. this spirit will attack the last mob or player you hit or who hits you. this spirit will have little health but high attack damage. this soul will emit...
  3. Legendary_ocean

    Suggestion Spiritual Projection

    Spiritual Projection ''Spiritual projection is a specialized airbending technique that consists of projecting one's spirit out of the body to travel to another location in a matter of seconds. Through projection, an airbender is able to explore locations that would otherwise have been...
  4. Legendary_ocean


    what is the version of projectkorra for this addon?
  5. Legendary_ocean


    Spam errors in my console: https://paste.ofcode.org/GHZu5uACRcPu4MHpeYk6yN
  6. Legendary_ocean


    I want shorter because even though they leave the circle, healing still continues.
  7. Legendary_ocean


  8. Legendary_ocean


    can you add old infest combo?
  9. Legendary_ocean

    Bug Report waterarms [spear]

    it is not fixed. Pk 1.8.8 Mc 1.13.2
  10. Legendary_ocean

    Bug Report waterarms [spear]

    @Pride i did a video , please check it.
  11. Legendary_ocean


    some players doing sneak spam for remove torrent :/ i have an idea in my mind for stop it. 》should be torrent grab area and should be a specific area for disable torrent redirection. ~ example; 》0-3 torrent grab area 》3-6 area for disable torrent redirection if the player tries to catch the...
  12. Legendary_ocean


    did you stop working on this project? @StrangeOne101
  13. Legendary_ocean

    [UPDATED] Particles Improved - By Chaoz

    Particles Improved v.5 Air particles are very difficult to see, so I have difficulty defending myself. ~The air particles are awesome but very difficult to see. 》can you make the color of the air particles more white?
  14. Legendary_ocean

    Bug Report waterarms [spear]

    sometimes the first fired spear arm is different. I doing freeze at first and then the first spear arm is always comes with different arm. The reason for this problem is the movements of other water arms. If you throw the spear after using other movements, not the last arm you used while using...
  15. Legendary_ocean

    Suggestion Suggestion about waterarms [spear]

    suggestion edited. no! it doesn't start with the right! sometime! i think it is bug :v How can ou test to this bug?: Open waterarms, one click the freeze then click the spear. left spear will gone :eek:
  16. Legendary_ocean

    Suggestion Suggestion about waterarms [spear]

    Which arm should shoot first spear? -right i think first right spear arm should fired because I don't always know which arm will be fired first and sometimes i miss the spear. finish, thank you for read :D
  17. Legendary_ocean

    Bug Report a few bug

    I have tested it on my own server and on different servers. i will shoot videos in the shortest time.
  18. Legendary_ocean

    Bug Report a few bug

    maybe with video or i can visit a server with you.