Verified Member
I will now suggestion you a different flight ability. I don't find the flight ability that we use now very useful and nice. It's a bit like Zaheer's flight ability. (pk 1.8.7 flight) My suggestion is that the flight action is not multi-talent and is used with other abilities. I can tell you how it works in my suggestion.
To Open Flight:
just left-click to open flight ability. Then you will start flight ability with vanilla flight and you can use other abilities.
it looks like this:

If you have opened the flight, just click-left to start Soar in flight slot and when you start soar, the speed will start normally but if you want change of the soar speed , just left-click to change flying speeds.
Soar looks like this:

To go out from Soar: (there are three different ways)
- if you changed the slot the soar will close and the vanilla flight will come into play.
- Or to close Soar, just tap the sneak once in the flight slot and the soar will close then vanilla flight will come into play.
- if you take damage the soar will close then vanilla flight will come into play.
Enabled: true
Cooldown: ??
MaxDuration: ??
FlightSpeed: ??
Particles: false/true
Enabled: true/false
Cooldown: ??
MaxDuration: ??
Damage: ??
SlowSpeed: ??
NormalSpeed: ??
FastSpeed: ??
Just Hold-Sneak then left-click in flight slot with vanilla flight mode. Then flight will be off.
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