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  1. Legendary_ocean

    Suggestion Flight

    Flight I will now suggestion you a different flight ability. I don't find the flight ability that we use now very useful and nice. It's a bit like Zaheer's flight ability. (pk 1.8.7 flight) My suggestion is that the flight action is not multi-talent and is used with other abilities. I can tell...
  2. UIDeltaDarkWolf

    Old flight

    I think that the old flight should be brought back to bending
  3. A

    Airbending AirThrust [Flight] 2017-04-14

    Usage: Simply tap sneak to be launched into the air. This ability is useful for when you are stuck in water or lava and cannot fly away or use any moves. Config: ExtraAbilities: AK4: AirThrust: Cooldown: 1000 Boost: 2.5 Cooldown by default is 1 second. Boost by default is 2.5...