if this change to airblast is made you might aswell also :
-remove watermanip redirecting, shown in show but raises skill ceiling
-remove heatcontrol, no firebender was ever on fire in show, no proof it works when the user is on fire
-make earthbenders take fall damage
-remove fireblast charging, there was never shown a firebender in the show that had to crouch over to charge fireblast, make fireblast work without holding shift
-remove tornado, shown in show that multiple benders are required to make a tornado
-remove waterbending fast swim because waterbenders are human and humans all swim at the same speed
-make it so firebending requires coal in your inventory to use any of the moves
-nerf airbubble because it is too op, now it requires you hold shift and spam click, you must do 10 clicks per second to keep the bubble going
-make it so airbubble requires a bottle of air in your inventory
-remove chiblocking because once someone died to chi and then he got salty
-remove airbending because it was never shown in show besides aang, hes the last airbender
-remove earthbending because this is an alternate universe where badger moles never existed
-remove firebending because firejet is too strong it should only go 3 blocks far
-remove waterbending and rename it to tearbending, so when people cry when they die to airbenders they get a +50% power boost
-remove the command /bending bind because in the show they did not use commands to bend
-remove bending itself because of all the changes that ruin the plugin and make it incredibly boring
-realize that these changes are not neccesary and that the plugin was fine how it was
-realize that these changes will probably eventually happen, because after all it is pk. feelsbadman
-remove pk from your server and cry at night
I'm no trying to support this "airblast rant" or anything like that, but I think there are some invalid facts in your reply and just for fu I'm gonna give my response to that

- HeatControl: an actual thing, performed numerious of times. Read about it in wikia, m8.
- NoFallPassive: R.I.P catapulters
- Charge Fireblast: ya, they were crouching
- Tornado: In Aang v Sozin fight, Aang did it alone (obviously, since there were no other airbenders in that time)
- Removal of FastSwim: that would be a good bless thig to me.
- AirBubble: I don't mind that nerf
- AirBubble#2: why?
- I do not approve of that

- I seen a lot of Aang skin people in random bending servers, so no, airbending should still exist
- There are, in ATLA mod

- No, it isn't. HeatControl is the only op move and that's the reason FBending shuld be removed
- FALSE. Every person that was born entered a command to become bender, and therefor it is canon. Even if what ur saying is true, how would know what command they execute since you can't see their chat box? (unless u r hacker er smth then I'm gonna report u 2 mojang
- The Plugin is optional, so you can simple uninstall it or not play it, if that's what you wish