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  1. Green


    It could be heatcontrol or illumination..... I am just talking about an ability that relates to giving off light. Can you please be a little more accepting of feedback?
  2. Green


    Lol sorry.
  3. Green


    I would like to bring this back mainly because there really hasn't been any good metal bending moves suggested in a long time and I (even if it wasn't mine) would love this ability to be in game.
  4. Green


    I would like it for a new heatcontrol passive for fire benders to be able to make sticks torches just like you can cook food with it, why not light a torch? :p Look at me, my first post in a while since I have been playing overwatch so much after I got my ps4 and have paused my minecraft life...
  5. Green

    Denied Airswipe

    But then why would we have air sweep? Would it just be deleted?
  6. Green

    EarthBending Fall Damage Rework.

    What about shockwave just starting at the edge of the crater? Like on ground level, instead of right next to you.
  7. Green

    Denied WaterBlade (didn't look at the other thread, so dk if this is about the same thing) #titlegonelong

    So can this be: Click to create a waterblade Hold shift for 2 seconds to create an iceblade doing more damage and slows the target. And it would automatically be an ice blade if you are using ice as a source.
  8. Green

    SwiftSwim Config

    This is just asking for a config for server owners...... It's not saying changing the move, If your server thinks this move is Op then let them change it if they want....
  9. Green

    SwiftSwim Config

    Oh. Lol sorry I didn't understand. But why wouldn't there be a cooldown to it? It would be like if airscooter lasted for ever people would be pissed and call it "OP". What is the different?
  10. Green

    SwiftSwim Config

    No thanks. The only one hat would make sense is heatcontrol.
  11. Green

    Surge Remodel

    Oh my god.... Am I actually going to have to make a picture for you??? All I am saying, wait I have to explain this weird so be ready, it would be like if you had a 3 by 3 water ball in minecraft and where ever you dragged it it would leave water behind (like a pen). That is all I'm saying to...
  12. Green

    SwiftSwim Config

    Yes please!
  13. Green

    Water Configuration Rework.

    Waterarms isn't apart of core.... Is it????!? :eek:
  14. Green

    Bottle bending Realism

    That is what I am trying to tell people!!! I have made threads on this EXACT problem!!! It makes NO sense that you can use these very large moves with water bottles and they need to have versions of each move that is smaller than sourcing it from water.
  15. Green


  16. Green

    My airblast post is in development!!!

    My airblast post is in development!!!
  17. Green

    Bottle bending Realism

    This needs to be linked to all the bottle bending threads..... This is not the only issue with bottle bending, at all.
  18. Green

    Surge Remodel

    ....... Have you ever read the rules...... Do not make your own thread abou something that already exists EPICALLY if it's in development. It helps staff to look through all the suggestions for how the move should be..... And I was making a suggestion that DIRECTLY related to your thread. I...
  19. Green


    Omg omg omg OMG omg omg OMG OMG!!!! Yayayayayyayayaayy I can't believe something I suggested is actually going to be implimented!!!! I am so happy!!!! This will make air bending so much better in my opinion.