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Search results

  1. SuperBower118

    (Fire) FireStream

    Element: Fire Move Name: FireStream Move Type: Offensive / Combo Cooldown: 5.5 Second Description: Firebenders have been shown to create continuous streams of fire, which is something that Fire lacks right now. As I stated in the Move Type, this would be a combo. The Combo would be Fireblast...
  2. SuperBower118

    (Fire) Fireburst Additional Option

    So one thing I've noticed about Fireburst on some servers is that some server owners have fireburst's fire disappear as soon as it appears. This can be REALLY laggy at times, but to be honest, I can't blame the server owners; Fireburst can easily flood an arena and that's just not fun. So here's...
  3. SuperBower118

    (Fire)[Combustion] Combustion Reworking

    Combustion bending in the show was a very rare technique, with only two people in total shown to have this ability. Both P'li and Combustion Man's blasts were deadly in their own aspects, with P'li's blasts having the ability to curve around objects and Combustion Man's blasts containing, in my...
  4. SuperBower118

    (Fire) FireWheel Improvements

    This is not worthy of FireWheel. In TLA, FireWheel was only shown once, and that was when Azula was chasing Aang when he was riding Bumi's Metal Prison box. Therefor, I suggest improving FireWheel in the following ways. Hold Time - What this means is that you can actually "hold" the Firewheel...
  5. SuperBower118

    (Fire) FireDaggers

    Note: The Buffing ability for this move was completely taken by Gamzee's thread, http://projectkorra.com/forum/threads/fireaugement-fire-ability.2676/#post-36231 please also give credit to Gamzee, for I merely edited and added on to his idea. Element: Fire Move: FireDaggers Move Type...
  6. SuperBower118

    (Fire) FireWhips

    Now I'm pretty sure that something like this has been suggested before, but please. At least read through this suggestion entirely before commenting. Element: Fire Move Name: FireWhips Move Type: MultiAbility / Offensive Warm-Up: 1.5 seconds Cooldown: 7 seconds Description: You would hold...