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(Fire) FireDaggers

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Verified Member
Note: The Buffing ability for this move was completely taken by Gamzee's thread, http://projectkorra.com/forum/threads/fireaugement-fire-ability.2676/#post-36231 please also give credit to Gamzee, for I merely edited and added on to his idea.

Element: Fire

Move: FireDaggers

Move Type: MultiAbility / Offensive / Buff

Cooldown: 6 seconds

Description: In move TLA, it's been show the Firebenders can create small daggers of fire that can be used as a weapon

(For some reason, Imgur didn't give me a BBCode)

In order to use this move, you'd first need to sneak to activate the MultiAbility. In your 1st and 9th slot, you'd be given Blaze Powder along with a fire particle following your right hand and left hand. (To symbolize the fire daggers. However, there'd be an option in the confiq on whether you'd be given Blaze Powder, Blaze Rods, or the actual Fire block) Each "Fire Dagger" (which would be the Blaze Powder) would have five uses, and each time you hit a person, it'd do 1 heart, plus another .5 hearts of burn damage. The person you hit would also get knocked back about a block and a half (To prevent FireDaggers into turning into a miniature wooden sword with a miniature Fire Aspect, even though you can already say it is) Once all five uses are used via hitting a person or mob, the Blaze Powder would "Break" (Of course you'd have the other Blaze Powder unless you used it already) If you switch to any slots that aren't 1 or 9, then FireDaggers would end, and the cooldown would activate. If there are items in your first and ninth slot, then they would be ejected once you sneak.
Firebenders have also been show to amplify their weapons with fire.


That being said, any sword that isn't a wooden sword would gain Fire Aspect 1 (Already having Fire Aspect 1 wouldn't effect it then, nor would Fire Aspect 2), and any bow that doesn't have Flame 1 would be able to shoot flaming arrows,(this is all of course if the weapon of your choice is in the FireDaggers slot when the move isn't active. You would also be unable to activate FireDaggers if a tool is in your slot for the move) by charging up the bow for an extra second have the bow is at it's full drawn state. While doing the extra charge, a small ring of fire particles would quickly close in in-front of you, (having the ring close in should take about a second) and once the ring has close in on itself, the arrow you shoot would be a flaming arrow. If you right click with your sword that isn't wooden, it would shoot a quick blast of fire that does 1.5 more knockback than the regular fireblast, and would do 1.5 hearts of initial damage, and half a heart of burn damage. It would also travel the distance a normal fireblast does, but the cooldown for this would be 2.5 seconds. The daytime buff would not effect this blast.

Another thing to note is that FireDaggers would not work at all if you're completely submerged in water. This means that you can't shoot flaming arrows, or summon the daggers of fire.

Be sure to leave comments and feedback- it helps a lot.
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Verified Member
Well thought out. With 1.9 on its way to support PK in no time soon, there won't need to have 1st and 9th slot (If you know what I mean ;) ).


Verified Member
I didn't understand the post that well. What is the point of this move and how is it useful. Is it similar to a move and how is it different from what we have now?


Verified Member
I didn't understand the post that well. What is the point of this move and how is it useful. Is it similar to a move and how is it different from what we have now?
Caveman taps sneak. Caveman gets Blaze Powder. Caveman does 1 heart of damage and half a heart of damage when he hit people with blaze powder.

Now since that sums up the actual move, you can't use fire daggers if you have a tool in your 1st or 9th slot (I might change that so if you have either your first or ninth slot open, but not the other, you can get a dagger in the other slot) If you have a sword in your fire dagger slot (the slot you bound fire daggers in), for non-wooden a sword, you'd basically get Fire Aspect, for a bow, you'd basically get Flame. If you right-click with a non-wooden sword, you'd basically shoot a slightly altered fireblast.

How is it useful? First off, it gives Fire more of a edge in PvP with weapons. Air has airblast, airshield, airspout, their passive (god damn, it's amazing for PvP of any type) and flight. Earth has EarthGrab, RaiseEarth, Collapse, Catapult, Shockwave, and Lava. Water has HealingWaters, Surge, Torrent, WaterSpout and PhaseChange. Chi has paralyze, which is VERY OP and of course, they can disable bending. They also have their Passive and AcrobatStance.

Now I'm not saying that fire is shit at PvP with weapons. Trust me, we can deflect arrows with FireBlast, make giant patches of Fire with FireBurst, we have Firejet, WallofFire (which sometimes blocks projectiles, sometimes doesn't. It's been this buggy since the beginning of time), we can neglect burn damage with heatcontrol, and FireSpin. However, the closest thing we've come to wielding a blazing blade is when we were able to use fireshield with a sword. I honestly don't see a reason why firebenders shouldn't get a free Flame enchant on our bows, obviously slightly toned down.

The actual FireDaggers move is a move that's unlike any other vanilla move. It's a multi-use melee, but also has it's drawbacks. First off, you can't use ANY other move when using FireDaggers. This means that we can't FireJet WHILE using it, or throw a fireblast, or basically defend ourselves at all. That's not to say it's so situational that you can't use it. While you can't Firejet WHILE using it, you can do it BEFORE using it, but that has it's drawbacks by wasting a firejet.

It's definitely something that's highly dangerous when you're backed up to a wall, but honestly, that's how Fire should be. The closer we are, the more deadlier we can be. Think about, what would you do if YOU were cornered up to a wall in an abandoned building with no weapon against a firebender? While WallofFire is EXTREMELY potent and deadly, (I don't exactly agree with the way how it is right now, but I feel like making it a defensive move would kill a lot of Fire's Capability up close.) it sometimes can't be enough if you don't aim it right, or your enemy can easily bypass it. And having an element rely on one move for either completely functioning or having a MUCH better chance at a certain type of combat isn't the way to go. Hell, Fire right now mainly relies on Firejet, and even then, there are ways to counter it when jetting. And what do we do when we don't have a jet?

Regardless, I feel like this'd throw some more Close-Ranged Combat into Fire's Offense, while also giving it some more power in Weapon Combat. Fire can be manipulated in different ways, along with being augmented by using certain objects, so I think this is a viable move to be added. I am going to make a few edits though, so expect a few changes.


Verified Member
With 1.9, the left hand can support the other fire dagger ,without it being in the same main hand's slot. To use them both in a rapid session, the player could spam left and right click repeatedly. What do you think?
I'm a bit concerned if it's possible for the plugin to put items in the alternate hand slot.


Verified Member
It will probably will be. Just speculating how this ability can work out while that off-hand exists, if it were to be known possible.


Verified Member
Caveman taps sneak. Caveman gets Blaze Powder. Caveman does 1 heart of damage and half a heart of damage when he hit people with blaze powder.

Now since that sums up the actual move, you can't use fire daggers if you have a tool in your 1st or 9th slot (I might change that so if you have either your first or ninth slot open, but not the other, you can get a dagger in the other slot) If you have a sword in your fire dagger slot (the slot you bound fire daggers in), for non-wooden a sword, you'd basically get Fire Aspect, for a bow, you'd basically get Flame. If you right-click with a non-wooden sword, you'd basically shoot a slightly altered fireblast.

How is it useful? First off, it gives Fire more of a edge in PvP with weapons. Air has airblast, airshield, airspout, their passive (god damn, it's amazing for PvP of any type) and flight. Earth has EarthGrab, RaiseEarth, Collapse, Catapult, Shockwave, and Lava. Water has HealingWaters, Surge, Torrent, WaterSpout and PhaseChange. Chi has paralyze, which is VERY OP and of course, they can disable bending. They also have their Passive and AcrobatStance.

Now I'm not saying that fire is shit at PvP with weapons. Trust me, we can deflect arrows with FireBlast, make giant patches of Fire with FireBurst, we have Firejet, WallofFire (which sometimes blocks projectiles, sometimes doesn't. It's been this buggy since the beginning of time), we can neglect burn damage with heatcontrol, and FireSpin. However, the closest thing we've come to wielding a blazing blade is when we were able to use fireshield with a sword. I honestly don't see a reason why firebenders shouldn't get a free Flame enchant on our bows, obviously slightly toned down.

The actual FireDaggers move is a move that's unlike any other vanilla move. It's a multi-use melee, but also has it's drawbacks. First off, you can't use ANY other move when using FireDaggers. This means that we can't FireJet WHILE using it, or throw a fireblast, or basically defend ourselves at all. That's not to say it's so situational that you can't use it. While you can't Firejet WHILE using it, you can do it BEFORE using it, but that has it's drawbacks by wasting a firejet.

It's definitely something that's highly dangerous when you're backed up to a wall, but honestly, that's how Fire should be. The closer we are, the more deadlier we can be. Think about, what would you do if YOU were cornered up to a wall in an abandoned building with no weapon against a firebender? While WallofFire is EXTREMELY potent and deadly, (I don't exactly agree with the way how it is right now, but I feel like making it a defensive move would kill a lot of Fire's Capability up close.) it sometimes can't be enough if you don't aim it right, or your enemy can easily bypass it. And having an element rely on one move for either completely functioning or having a MUCH better chance at a certain type of combat isn't the way to go. Hell, Fire right now mainly relies on Firejet, and even then, there are ways to counter it when jetting. And what do we do when we don't have a jet?

Regardless, I feel like this'd throw some more Close-Ranged Combat into Fire's Offense, while also giving it some more power in Weapon Combat. Fire can be manipulated in different ways, along with being augmented by using certain objects, so I think this is a viable move to be added. I am going to make a few edits though, so expect a few changes.
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