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Search results

  1. SuperBower118

    Denied (Fire) An Alternate to FireTick

    FireTick has basically been removed, which I can understand. However, one thing that I do think would be interesting would be to give Fire back some of it's damage it used to do with FireTick. I mainly vision this to be a config option; if you ever add FireTick to a move, you could set one...
  2. SuperBower118

    (Water) Unfreezing WaterArms Spear

    This is a small suggestion so I'll make it quick. Whenever you hit something with WaterArms Spear, it freezes as a result, why, I don't know (Really, I find more logic in REMOVING Spear, but that isn't what this suggestion is about). However, you can't Heatcontrol OR Phasechange out of the...
  3. SuperBower118

    Denied (Earth) EarthSmash Nerf

    I'll make this short and simple. Why do Earthbenders get to ride their EarthSmash Boulders? There is no other answer than it's illogical. No body was seen riding any piece of Earth 20 something meters into the Air. In the game, it allows for and creates a tedious cycle in battle, where the...
  4. SuperBower118

    Spout Nerfs

    Right now, if you destroy your opponent's spout, they can just get back on it the second it gets destroyed. It gets to the point where there's not much of a point in destroying the spout. Logically, it doesn't make that much sense that the second that you destroy the spout they can just...
  5. SuperBower118

    Denied (Air) Cyclone

    Element: Air Move Name: Cyclone Move Type: Offensive / Defensive / Combo Combination: AirShield (Tap Sneak) -> AirSpout (Tap Sneak) -> Tornado (Hold Sneak) Cooldown: 6 Seconds Description: Cyclone would be an empowered airspout. This airspout would force the user to be stationary. This...
  6. SuperBower118

    Better Move Interactions

    Alright, I think this is something desperately needed. One of the faults in the bending plugin is that there isn't much realism when it comes to move vs move. For example, a waterbender can throw a simple watermanipulation at my charged fireblast and they'll nullify each other. So let's just cut...
  7. SuperBower118

    Complete More specific /bending remove

    Currently /bending remove just removes all of your bending (I think- I haven't checked out the newest BETA) So what I'm suggesting, is that if you have an additional element, let's say, air, but you only want to be a firebender. You could do /b remove air to remove your airbending permanently if...
  8. SuperBower118

    Denied Configurable Amount of Bending Chooses, etc.

    I feel like this would help server owners a lot so they wouldn't have to always set up ranks and such for this to happen, or have to have a staff member to rechoose someone's bending (the server I mainly play on has that. Trust me, it's time consuming sometimes and it's inconvenient) I think...
  9. SuperBower118

    Denied (Earth) EarthSmash Revision

    The idea I'm asking for isn't all that simple, but I feel it's needed it. Make it so if you try to create an EarthSmash under you, effectively launching you in the air quite a distance up, the EarthSmash won't appear under you. Instead, it'd appear in front of you. There's a couple of reasons...
  10. SuperBower118

    Denied Falling Move Improvements

    1) I recommend that there be a way to specify where you can release the Falling Move. Holding Sneak could be an option, or right clicking, though holding shift is a much more user-friendly way so people with less skill could actually pull this off. It's kinda dumb to have to release the move...
  11. SuperBower118

    Denied (Earth)[Sand] EarthShift

    Element: Earth Sub-Element: Sand Move Name: EarthShift Move Type: Utility Description: Sandbending right now really isn't much with sandspout. Even WITH sandspout, it still requires sand, and a majority of the land is made up of grass. So what I'm suggesting is a way for sandbenders to...
  12. SuperBower118

    Denied Bending Move Abbreviations

    Pretty simple. Give the moves some abbreviations so instead of having to type /pk b Fireburst You could type out /pk b FBurst Here would be a list of abbreviations Firebending Fireblast: FBlast Fireburst: FBurst Firejet: FJet FireShield: FShield Heatcontrol: HControl, HCTRL WallofFire...
  13. SuperBower118

    (Earth)[Sand] SandSpout Additions

    So we all know the move SandSpout, right? It's literally what it says- it's a sand of spout that can propel sandbenders up a bit, and if you're some sort of stunt master, I guess it can be used as an attack move? Sandbending, let alone, offensive sandbending wasn't shown too much in TLA, and I...
  14. SuperBower118

    Denied Slot Placement Buffs

    Damn character limit ruins the post... oh well. Alright guys, I honestly couldn't think of a better title to bear with me. Anyways, what I'm suggesting here is that if you place two certain moves right next to each other in your slot placement, the move(s) will receive buffs. When two moves are...
  15. SuperBower118

    (Air) [Flight] Flight Nerfing

    I don't know about you guys, but I honestly find fighting an airbender using flight with enchanted diamond armor on them to be quite annoying. Also the fact that it makes no sense. A mere piece of ice dragged Zaheer down, so I really don't understand how an airbender can wear iron armor and...
  16. SuperBower118

    Complete (Water) Small Underwater Bending changes

    So if some of you don't know, it IS possible for a waterbender to bend underwater- both in the show and in-game. Problem is, in-game, you can't see it. So my suggestion is that if you shoot a watermanip and it goes underwater, they'll be bubbles that appear instead of the actual water when it's...
  17. SuperBower118

    Complete (Air) WallDamage Cap

    The title basically says it all. I'm asking for a WallDmg cap, if there isn't one already, in the config. Basically, it'd be able to set walldamage so it can only do so much damage, this way so we don't have airburst one shotting people who fall to the ground safely via firejet, airspout, ect...
  18. SuperBower118

    Looking Into (Spirits) Possesion

    NOTE: I'm basing my suggestions for the Spirits Plugin off of the Spirits: First Looks post. http://projectkorra.com/forum/threads/projectkorra-spirits-first-looks.406/ Spirits have been shown to be able to go inside of people and "possess" them, whether it be a Light Spirit or a Dark Spirit...
  19. SuperBower118

    (Water) Small WaterArms change

    One thing I noticed about waterarms is that sometimes people can actually get effected by the water. Whether it be stopping burn, slowing down your sprinting because you ran into to the water, and one time, I got fall damage neglected because I fell into my own waterarms. So here's what I'm...
  20. SuperBower118

    (Fire) Combining FireBurst and Blaze

    So I've had this idea for a while. Fireburst and Blaze essentially do the same thing- it's just that Fireburst has a longer range and is in a cone or a sphere, compared to Blaze which can only work on the ground and is in an arch or a ring shape. And I know I'm not the only bender out there who...