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  1. Loony

    Making a suggestion -- Request

    Hey guys, I just want to make a little request for when you're making a suggestion. Don't use too much detail -- It seems a few of you have the mindset of "the more detail I include, the better chance I have of the idea being accepted. There isn't a lot of Concept Designers active these days...
  2. Loony


    Yo if anyone of you have Hearthstone (It's a free to play game) add me and I'll be happy to destroy you. Loonytoon#2199
  3. Loony

    Anyone have Far Cry 4? (PC)

    I love the game, completed it twice. I wanna keep playing but I've done everything :< Anyone have it and wanna do some CO-OP? PM me yo steam / skype names
  4. Loony

    A note to fellow owner's

    Hey guys. I just want to raise awareness to a glitch in Minecraft that causes the user to do around 4-6 hearts of damage. I've known about this for quite a while but I never thought it was a glitch, I always thought it was a petty excuse for hackers. I recently screen shared with someone and...
  5. Loony

    Tournament Plugin

    Tournament Plugin I already created a suggestion for a tournament plugin a while back with information of what a bending tournament is, why they're a thing, ect. Go read this here: http://projectkorra.com/forum/threads/tournament-plugin.2302/ I'm making this post to add more info to original...
  6. Loony

    YouTube discussion

    Hey guys, Me and @AlexTheCoder are going to do another video discussing certain topics. Post below what topics you want us to discuss and we will tell you our honest opinion on them.
  7. Loony

    YouTube Q&A with Loony and Alex

    Hey guys! The Q&A video with me and @AlexTheCoder is now up! Go to to watch! Tell us if you like it and we might do another and post below what other video's you'd like to see.
  8. Loony

    YouTube Q&A

    A while ago, there was a survey where you could vote what video you wanted us staff to make for the ProjectKorra YouTube channel and a lot of you voted for a questions & answers video. Comment your questions below and we will do our best to answer them in the video, when we make it. They can be...
  9. Loony

    Torrent Redirect

    Hey guys.. I was going to do a post about torrent being redirectable, but then I searched the forums to realise it has been suggested many times and denied many times. What do people think about torrent being able to be redirected? I was thinking about if you had to click the water just before...
  10. Loony

    Catapult to be charged

    What's wrong with the current catapult? With the current catapult and its mechanics, Earthbender's can easily escape from a fight. They can just continuously catapult all around arena's until they regen up to full health. They can do this because catapult is instant and it's very powerful. If...
  11. Loony

    Denied Access to all beta builds

    In case something within a beta version breaks *cough* beta 4 *cough*, we should be able to go back to a previous beta version. That's it really..
  12. Loony

    OctopusForm Mechanics Change

    What's wrong with OctopusForm? I think we can all agree that octopusform is one of the most unused Waterbending abilities. The reasons for this are; Start-up time is too slow Movement speed is too slow Range isn't high enough with the movement speed given The attack knocks the player back...
  13. Loony

    Denied Air Falling

    In the show, whenever an Airbender was falling from a great distance they used to use air beneath them to slow themselves down, taking less or no damage when they fell. That's why I'm suggesting that when an Airbender is falling from a big distance (maybe 20 blocks) instead of simply not taking...
  14. Loony

    Fixed 1.7.0 Beta 3 bugs

    (I have the right version of Spigot fyi) /b display bug You still can't /b display an element that isn't yours. A few people have said that it's intended to be this way, but I don't think it should be at all. It's annoying joining a server where you can't change your element, and before you...
  15. Loony

    Accepted Concept Designer Application (redo)

    Why do you want to be a Concept Designer for ProjectKorra? I would like to be a concept designer because I would love the opportunity to discuss, and share my opinion when it concerns the development of the core plugin. It would be amazing if I had the chance to share my thoughts fully with...
  16. Loony

    Bug Report Flooding Bug

    PK Version: 1.7.0 Beta 1 Bug: When someone uses surge at one player, and that player uses watermanipulation firing it into the surge, it causes a flood. (Sorry for minimalistic detail, so tired)
  17. Loony

    Korra Game

    Has anyone here played the Korra game? If so, what did you think of it? I enjoyed it a little, simply because.. Well, I could bend. But I felt like it was a little basic, and childish.
  18. Loony

    Website Bug -where do I post this?-

    Discovered a bug on the website but I wasn't sure where to post it so, imma post it here. Some section's on the forums don't show up in the 'New Posts' section. For example; If I make a post in the Website / Misc section, it won't show up in the 'New Posts'. Can you please fix this and any...
  19. Loony

    Suggestion Help section

    Heyo, I've seen a lot of people posting in the bugs, general discussion and shoutbox forums when they need help setting things up. It would be easier and more organised if there was a 'Help' section on the forums, that way people could just go through and find previous issue's that relate to...
  20. Loony


    Would anyone else legit have NO friends if The Last Airbender or PK never existed? :| It's amazing how many people you can bring together through one common interest