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Search results

  1. Loony

    Invalid Concept Designer Application

    Why do you want to be a Concept Designer for ProjectKorra? I would like to be a concept designer because I wish to get more involved in the community and I am looking to learn more. I have played on bending server's since October 2013, infact, bending was the reason I got Minecraft in the first...
  2. Loony

    Raise earth attack combo

    Hey, I've had this idea for a while now, and I would love to see it made as I personally feel it would be useful in battle. The move: The move (for now, we will call it 'Earth Pillars'), would be an earth combo. Activated by shifting with shockwave and clicking with raise earth, then releasing...
  3. Loony

    Tournament Plugin:

    Hey, Recently, bending tournaments are becoming more and more popular. Which isn't no surprise, player's love them and they are incredibly fun. However, these tournaments are a pain to set up and monitor. A quick summary of how a bending tournament works: Player's would enter with their...
  4. Loony

    Denied Fire Shield Re-Work

    A guy made a post about adding more moves that fire shield could block here: http://projectkorra.com/forum/threads/fireshield-and-how-to-make-it-not-a-complete-waste-of-the-bending-gods-time.2274/page-3#post-27913 Upon reading this someone mentioned that fire shield needs a re-work in general...
  5. Loony

    Denied Custom move description change

    Hey! One thing I would really like is the ability to change the description of custom moves. I mean, some of you make great moves!.. But, not great descriptions. I once had a move that said you needed to click to use, when you had to use shift to use it. Being that I couldn't change the...
  6. Loony

    Complete Edit Fire&Water messages

    Hey! The messages that fire and water get when it becomes day/night time, like ''you feel your water bending weaken as the sun rises'' should be able to be editable. It would give servers a unique feel if they had editable messages for water and fire, we could make the messages match the theme...
  7. Loony

    Fixed Earth armour stops fastwim

    Project Korra Core Plugin Version: 1.6.0 Beta 16 When you have used earth armour, you cannot fast swim for a while. I'm unsure if this is meant to happen because the armour could be viewed as heavy therefore you can't fast swim. But it still doesn't work after the armour has gone. You also can't...
  8. Loony

    My server wasn't added to the server list

    I sent my server to the server list a couple weeks ago and it still hasn't been added. It said it would take 24 hours so that's why I'm writing a post on here. We're a new server, we want to try to get our player count up so I would appreciate it if we could be added. Also, sorry if this post...