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  1. Loony

    Removing 'NB' from the Project Korra Server List (Requested)

    Hello all. A few people have asked me to write this post, as they feel the Project Korra community should not be promoting a server like 'NB'. (I'm saying NB and not the full name because that would count as advertising. If you do not know which server I am talking about feel free to message me...
  2. Loony

    Suggestion Suggestions Queue

    Hey, I'm not sure if this is possible with the website modules you have, but... It would be sweet and make it easier if you could queue up suggestions on a certain project. For example; I would go to the 'Project Korra Core' forum, go to 'Suggestions', click 'Queue' and it would go to the most...
  3. Loony

    Paralyse Change

    What's wrong with paralyse? Paralyse is the one move I hate the most. I think it spoils bending fights and that it's silly having moves that you can't defend against. Paralyse makes it really hard to balance Chiblocking. Because there's nothing you can do to stop the wombo combo once you get...
  4. Loony

    Fixed Air & Chi Speed Bug

    Hey, I'm not sure if this is a bug or if it's intended to be that way, because it has happened with all the bending versions. Sometimes, when you're an Airbender and Chiblocker, you lose your speed 2 & jump 3, and instead have speed 1 and jump 2, which is what Chiblocker's get. It would be...
  5. Loony

    Bug Report Fireblast Furnace

    Hey, When you use fireblast to power a furnace the fire animation doesn't show on the outside of the furnace. Spigot 1.8.3 Core 1.6.0
  6. Loony

    Fixed Wrong Slot Bug

    Hey, Sometimes when I'm on the tornado slot (9) it doesn't tornado and it instead acts as though I have airblast bound (I have it in my 8th slot). I don't know if it's just with those moves, or those slots. Haven't tested it out much. Details; 1.6.0 Core Spigot 1.8.3
  7. Loony

    Quick Question

    Why can't Waterbender's suck the water out of a grass block, turning it to dirt? I'm not posting it as a suggestion because I feel like this should have already be suggested, so does anyone know why they haven't made it like this?
  8. Loony

    Suggestion Other Animals

    Hey, I think it should include animals from the show like flying bisons, lemurs ect in the normal world. Or is the plugin spirits only?
  9. Loony

    I can bend I swear!

    Did anyone else after watching Avatar nearly pop a vein trying to water bend when they were younger? Was this just me? Ok then
  10. Loony

    Denied Golden Server List?

    Hey, Firstly, Mist buddy, (I know you're reading this you read all my posts ofc), please make a suggestions thread just for the website!<3 It would be kinda sweet if there were a 'Golden Server List' (or some other name for it) for the most respected bending server's. The server's that have had...
  11. Loony

    Family Plugin?

    Heyo guys, Firstly, I'm posting this here because it isn't a suggestion for the Core plugin, it's a suggestion about making a plugin. It's also just to ask what people think on the idea, rather than suggest making it. I'm just going to state what it is and not go too in-depth about it, because...
  12. Loony

    What I would like to see in 1.7.0

    Hey everyone, I'm just going to post the main things that I want to see in 1.7.0 and you can tell me what you think of the ideas, and post your own below. Avatar Combo's I would love to see Avatar combo's! Imagine a Fire Blast and Earth Blast combo, where it would send a flaming bolder at your...
  13. Loony

    Resources Re-Organised

    (Not sure where to post this as there isn't a website suggestion forum) Hey, Can the resources page have an option to search for a move for a certain element? For example; You click on 'Water' and it displays all the moves for the water element. It would help when trying to find a move for a...
  14. Loony

    What is Project Korra Spirits?

    Hello, I've looked around on the forums but I couldn't find a post that mentioned much about what this plugin is, or atleast, what it's going to be. I looked on the wiki too but there was just a short paragraph about it. I know there isn't going to be much said, since the plugin isn't made...
  15. Loony

    Fixed Earth Armour Bug

    After using Earth Armour, the armour stays there instead of going away. MC Version: CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-edf691c-f48410a (MC: 1.8) (Implementing API version 1.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) PK Version: 1.6.0 Beta 18
  16. Loony

    Complete Catapult to be charged

    Hey, I think that you should hold shift to charge catapult, and then click to catapult up. The longer that you hold the charge for, the further you go. Let me list a few reasons why catapult should be changed: Catapult overshoots in fights, it often takes you to the other side of the arena...
  17. Loony

    Complete Default Config Change

    Hello all, Firstly, I would like to say that I'm assuming this post is going to have mixed opinions, and I ask you keep debates civil. I know what PK forums can be like, you guys are like fireworks.. But I would like to know people's opinions on this rather than going off topic, thanks. With...
  18. Loony

    Water bending freezes

    Hey, I think that in the config, you should be able to edit the amount of time that it takes for a water bending freeze move to phase away. (For example surge freeze) In many bending arena's, they have it so you can't break blocks (for anti-griefing purposes), and because of this, when you get...
  19. Loony

    Suggestion Start a world event

    Hey, I wanted to test this plugin out to see if I wanted it on my server or not. I thought the concept of Sozin's Comet and other events were pretty cool, but, when I installed the plugin onto my test server to see how it worked, I couldn't figure out how the events worked. I was changing the...
  20. Loony

    Bug Report Is ice blast broken?

    I'm asking a simple question. Is ice blast broken? It seems that on every single server I have been on, when someone gets hits with ice blast it lags the player that has been hit. It has become such an issue people have started to call those who use this move ''Lag Benders''. Maybe it's the...