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Firebending FireDisc 2.0.3



Element: Fire

Description: Throw disc of fire in a direction, and if configured control it's direction of travel. Just by looking around, you can control the disc. This ability can also cut through blocks, logs by default.

A neat feature this ability has is the blue fire option! To use this you must have the "bending.ability.firedisc.bluefire" permission. I couldn't make this a default option because it does more damage than normal FireDisc.

Functions: Left-Click

Permissions: bending.ability.firedisc (true default)

    Range: 25
    Cooldown: 1500
    Damage: 2
    Controllable: false
    RevertCutBlocks: true
    DropCutBlocks: false
        - LOG
        - LOG_2
Range: how far it can go
Cooldown: how long between uses
Damage: damage dealt when hit
Controllable: when set to true, the user can control the ability by looking around
RevertCutBlocks: the cut blocks will be reverted on a restart/reload
DropCutBlocks: the cut blocks will be dropped as items
Cuttable_Blocks: a list of materials the ability can cut through

Versions: Latest PK and Spigot 1.10

"This is not an official ProjectKorra ability, therefore, no official support will be provided in any threads other than this one. Use at your own risk."
First release
Last update
4.00 star(s) 5 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Update to new PK

    Updated to newest PK
  2. 1.8.6 compatible

    * Updated to be 1.8.6 compatible * Changed animation
  3. Particles

    Added more particles into the ability

Latest reviews

this is great but how do i make blue fire for certain people and normal fire
Give the people you want to have blue fire the permission node for blue fire (bending.ability.bluefire)
Great addition to fire bending!
I was wondering if you could increase the hitbox because i find it to be kinda hard to hit my target.
It could just be me being bad tho xD
I suggest aiming towards the lower portion of an entity. There's a kind of bug with pk that is making it a bit difficult.
Greate design and idea, Love the controllable aspect of it. But could you please give it a higher density of particals ?
Completed. I thought it could use this too.
1 star only caused it isn't renamed into fireblast
Fire needs this <3