Don't demand a service yet insult those who provide it to you. If you were the slightest bit observant, you would see that Project Korra IS TLA - except updated. We took the TLA plugin, updated it and improved / made additions along the way. Do you honestly believe that if Orion never stopped developing the plugin that things would be exactly the same? He changed things quite often in the plugin and if you don't believe me, go look at his change logs.
The majority of the things you said you disliked about Project Korra isn't due to Project Korra - it's how servers are set up. Cooldown's, addons, etc. Go complain to them, not us.
I'm soooo sick of people claiming that TLA completely trumps Project Korra. All that is is the nostalgia from when you first started bending - that's all. People gained the same nostalgia value when we introduced new moves and combos, I myself remember using Flight with my friend having a good old laugh being like "oh you wanna raid me? LET GO OF MY EARTHLY TETHER BRB" - this nostalgia will be created again in the next version when we add new stuff.
The fact that anyone has the audacity to say TLA trumps Project Korra is beyond me. We've added so much that overall improves the plugin and makes it more diverse, like combos, new moves, addons etc. Not to mention all the improvements in the code that has been done to make bending not make a server die whenever somebody uses Torrent on a full moon lmao.
You aren't wanting a bending plugin it seems, because what we offer is the ability to bend (which in the show was completely diverse) in many different ways, giving you many different styles and even utility moves to enjoy bending with survival. You claim you prefer TLA with its lacklustre moves, laggy code and overall unbalanced elements but I bet if you actually went back and compared you would change your mind. Stop insulting all the hard work that goes into this project - if you prefer TLA then set up your own 1.7 (or was it 1.6?) server. It will do well since of all the people that miss TLA, right? Good luck.