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1.5.0 BETA 21


Staff member
Hello everyone. This is likely the last Dev Build until the weekend (us Americans have a holiday to enjoy). We are really getting close to a full on 1.5.0 release, so the dev builds will primarily contain bug fixes, so, here you are!

  • General Changes
    • Preset Changes
      • Fixed a bug where presets were being modified if a player used /b bind or /b clear after loading a preset. If a player loaded a preset and then uesd /b clear, the preset was cleared until they relogged or the server reloaded.
    • Developers
      • Added BendingPlayer.isToggled() accessor method.
        • Allows developers to check if players have bending toggled off or on.
  • Airbending Changes
    • AirCombos Changes
      • AirCombos now obey /bending toggle.
      • New Config Option - Twister - DegreesPerParticle - Amount of degrees between each particle within the circular rings of the twister. Increase this to decrease particles.
      • New Config Option - Twister - HeightPerParticle - Amount of verticla distance between each ring of particles. Increase this to reduce particles.
    • AirBurst Changes
      • Improved the way AirBurst particles are handled, AirBurst should cause much less FPS lag.
  • Waterbending Changes
    • Bloodbending Changes
      • New Config Option: HoldTime - Duration that an entity can be bloodbent.
      • New Config Option: Cooldown - Delay between bloodbending uses.
    • WaterCombos Changes
      • WaterCombos now obey /bending toggle.
    • PhaseChange Changes
      • Improved TPS efficiency. When too many ice blocks have been created, instead of continuously checking all of the blocks, PhaseChange will now spread the processing load between 10 ticks instead of 1.
  • Earthbending Changes
    • MetalClips Changes
      • Fixed a duplication bug when killing an enemy with MetalClips. The armor would drop, meaning a player could get a full set of Iron Armor for 4 ingots.
      • Improved damage calculation instead of using the setHealth() methods.
    • Fixed a bug where Earthbending would cause random water from ice. Using abilities (Shockwave, RaiseEarth, and EarthBlast) near ice caused random air blocks to turn into water).
  • Firebending Changes
    • FireCombos now obey /bending toggle.
    • FireBurst Changes
      • Improved particle efficiency, should cause much less FPS lag.


Verified Member
Good job, Really liked the fix for random water from ice, It would help alot.


Verified Member
The bloodbending config is much appreciated <3

*edit* same with the phasechange! Full moon + phasechange is a nightmare!


Verified Member
You forgot to mention that if you hold shift, the iron that you throw comes back to you. Also with extraction, Iron Ingots isn't that hard to get.

Also it was beta 19, not 20.


God Tier Member
Verified Member
You forgot to mention that if you hold shift, the iron that you throw comes back to you. Also with extraction, Iron Ingots isn't that hard to get.

Also it was beta 19, not 20.
In the description it includes the thing about iron ingots being pulls towards you. And edited to say 19.


Verified Member
Sweet thang Bear :D

Also I'm receiving a tonne of error on my console each time a player tries to use bending D: http://pastebin.com/UXWT2yn4 pretty much this is my console at the moment

*EDIT* My players have told me they can still use non-aggressive moves like water spout and illumination. Is this a PK bug or something else affecting it like WG?

*EDIT 2* Ignore that sorry! I've found out it was Factions, I forgot to update it, I remember reading about it in BETA 20
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