Verified Member
Do you even know how long it takes to make a game like that? Having everything on 1:1 scaling and everything perfectly detailed, only creating a single town would already take months, and as i said before the difference between a phone and smartphones isn't as big as creating a device that allows you to do what we expectHa! Knew you would say that and I knew I would get you here.
Back when we first had this crazy idea of a touch screen, or even a touch screen phone, it was just as alien to us then as virtual reality is to us now.
Do you even realise that those devices will probably be way over 5000 dollars? Game computers of 900 dollars can lag on things like MC, now lets think about how much terrabites an entire 3D dimensional world as realistic as the real one, with sensations and controlls, etc would take? Probs enough to blow up my PC