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Ability Background:
It is shown in the Legend of Korra series that spirits are able to enter the physical bodies of humans. With that being said, in the era of Raava, Avatar Wan and Raava are not Spiritually Bonded yet. If Wan needed more power for his bending or needed to change his element, Raava would pass through him, only connecting with him for a few seconds as shown below:
The ability SpiritualConnection is similar to what Raava and Wan were accomplishing in the series. With the ability SpiritualConnection, spirits will be able to bond with benders to give them a form of avatarstate that is not as strong as the origional one. Although the bender will recieve a rush of power and their bending will be much stronger, Raava stated that the longer a spirit stays withing the body of a human, the more corrupted the human's spirit becomes. As a downside to this move, if a bender and a spirit are connected for more than 5 seconds, the bender begin to loose health rapidly. This rapid loss of health is the spirit corrupting the human's spirit. Listed directly below are the ONLY boosts that the SpiritualConnection's AvatarState gives:
SpiritualConnection AvatarState:
- Players will not have to charge their abilitys
- Players will recieve resistance
To use this ability, a spirit will need to walk over to a bender and be within 2 blocks from them. Once they are within the two block radius of a bender, a spirit will look directly at a bender and hold shift. Once a spirit toggles shift while looking at a bender, the targeted bender will recieve a chat notification as shown below:
To accept the connection, the targeted bender will have to shift click on the spirit. Once the targeted bender accepts the connection between them, the bender will recieve a less-op form of avatar state as expressed above. The connection between the two players will last for however long the spirit is holding shift. To cancel this connection between the two players, the Bender must be killed or the spirit will release shift. The bender does not control how long the spirit stays within their body, once the connection has been established between both players, it is up to the spirit to decide when it disconnects from the benders body. That makes each role, the spirits and the benders, unique for this ability. This also makes this move very dangerous.
If you have any comments or suggestions to make this move better, please let me know in the chat! I love constructive criticism!
Thanks for reading,
It is shown in the Legend of Korra series that spirits are able to enter the physical bodies of humans. With that being said, in the era of Raava, Avatar Wan and Raava are not Spiritually Bonded yet. If Wan needed more power for his bending or needed to change his element, Raava would pass through him, only connecting with him for a few seconds as shown below:

The ability SpiritualConnection is similar to what Raava and Wan were accomplishing in the series. With the ability SpiritualConnection, spirits will be able to bond with benders to give them a form of avatarstate that is not as strong as the origional one. Although the bender will recieve a rush of power and their bending will be much stronger, Raava stated that the longer a spirit stays withing the body of a human, the more corrupted the human's spirit becomes. As a downside to this move, if a bender and a spirit are connected for more than 5 seconds, the bender begin to loose health rapidly. This rapid loss of health is the spirit corrupting the human's spirit. Listed directly below are the ONLY boosts that the SpiritualConnection's AvatarState gives:
SpiritualConnection AvatarState:
- Players will not have to charge their abilitys
- Players will recieve resistance
To use this ability, a spirit will need to walk over to a bender and be within 2 blocks from them. Once they are within the two block radius of a bender, a spirit will look directly at a bender and hold shift. Once a spirit toggles shift while looking at a bender, the targeted bender will recieve a chat notification as shown below:

To accept the connection, the targeted bender will have to shift click on the spirit. Once the targeted bender accepts the connection between them, the bender will recieve a less-op form of avatar state as expressed above. The connection between the two players will last for however long the spirit is holding shift. To cancel this connection between the two players, the Bender must be killed or the spirit will release shift. The bender does not control how long the spirit stays within their body, once the connection has been established between both players, it is up to the spirit to decide when it disconnects from the benders body. That makes each role, the spirits and the benders, unique for this ability. This also makes this move very dangerous.

If you have any comments or suggestions to make this move better, please let me know in the chat! I love constructive criticism!
Thanks for reading,