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Denied Catapult > Don't Shockwave please I beg of you and thank you

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Staff member
Bug Tester
Verified Member
Well, fine have it your way. If you can't take anyone criticism, what's your point in being in this forum? To be biased because you didn't receive full-of-bunny-rainbow-and-everything-nice-comments? Well I'm sorry, but I'll tell you that I disagree with you because that's my view towards your idea and I didn't do it for not liking you or anything like that.
You talk too much, you should often keep your mouth shut.


Verified Member
And you should learn to accept criticism, don't just go around saying "I don't like/disagree/ it should be rejected, because you didn't like my ideas". That isn't a valid reason to say that and what you said is mostly a lie and not sensible ("I disagree..." what are you exactly disagreeing on?)

Bryan, how do they or I suppose to change this spam without preloinging a cooldown for catapult or shockwave, when I don't want the players to wait only to use the same ability twice without in conjuction with another?


Verified Member
For what this is?
Either for Catapult or ShockWave

What this will do?
This will be a config option, with a intregar that can be change by the person, which determines how many times will shockwave work with each catapult. (After those tries are finish, the bender will be able to catapult + shockwave again in 20 seconds)

Setting to 0 will prevent the earthbender from using shochwave that is caused by the catapult's landing, permanently.

Why would anyone need this
This tactic is not stradegic anymore, but it is annoying. Catapult itself isn't op, but when someone uses inconjudtion with shochwave, you can't really prevent soneone from realising this powerful earthquake attack, because you can land a blow to hit them while they're flying really fast.

I'm goin to deny this because there are already many ways where you can stop the catapult + shockwave spam:
* adding cooldown's to shockwave / catapult
* increasing the height that you have to fall from to activate shockwave
* (I think) there's a second cooldown option for the fall version of shockwave


Verified Member
To add on ^
Because of those reasons, I don't think another config option is necessary. We could add tons of stuff to our config like this but it would clog up the config, making it more lengthy and confusing than it already is.
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