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  1. JewFroJustin

    Sandbending Move

    Sand Grip: This is a basic sandbending tactic. By solidifying the sand around your feet, you can prevent any and all attacks from pushing you away. This will keep you up close to your target, ready to fight at a moments notice. To use, simply have the slot selected and tap shift. Sandstone...
  2. JewFroJustin

    Complete Waterbender's Source

    I think this was dressed earlier...
  3. JewFroJustin

    AvatarState Combos

    That might be cool. Maybe if there was a way to code it so that there was lava under the water, but none of it got cooled. It would make a lot of sense that way because lava flow is included in the combo, and that would make that water "boiling".
  4. JewFroJustin

    We need to be able to either redirect, or evaporate torrent as water benders. Please make this...

    We need to be able to either redirect, or evaporate torrent as water benders. Please make this happen, Devs
  5. JewFroJustin

    WaterAbility: IceWall

    I think this is really cool!
  6. JewFroJustin

    AvatarState Combos

    I don't think he meant coding wise... the avatar has never been seen to change a liquid from water to poison. Sure a water bender could manipulate poison, but in this case where would the avatar be getting it from. Plus we've never seen anything like this in the show.
  7. JewFroJustin

    Complete Air Manipulation

    I find this ironic considering the Book 4 finale…
  8. JewFroJustin

    Denied New Airbending Move

    We could change the visual of airspout to just a small cloud beneath the players feet. This would reduce the amount of particles and maybe reduce the lag :D
  9. JewFroJustin

    AirSpout addons

    Keep going! These puns are Zaheerresistable! :p
  10. JewFroJustin

    AvatarState Combos

    The only problem that I find with this is that the moves that you are listing... Are somewhat common for "move names". However stuff like: DeltaStream, Primordial Sea, Precipice Blades, and Desolate Land don't seem that common. It's obvious that these names are from pokemon, and the moves...
  11. JewFroJustin

    Denied abilities bind to slots

    There's a side plugin that @OmniCypher made called Bending Preview. You can check it out, it basically has what you are asking for. :D
  12. JewFroJustin

    AvatarState Combos

    The fact remains that these ideas were taken from Pokemon, so it's up to you, @Janny to make them different and give them different names.
  13. JewFroJustin

    Denied CloudBending

    MistPhizzle made a thread about "What a Sub Element Is" http://projectkorra.com/forum/threads/the-official-projectkorra-set-of-subelements.1800/ Air has Flight and Spiritual Projection That is All
  14. JewFroJustin

    Move Charging

    I can agree with you there
  15. JewFroJustin

    Move Charging

    That would be nice, but what about just dirt breaking particles. Seems more realistic for earthbending in my opinion.
  16. JewFroJustin

    Move Charging

    What earth moves specifically?
  17. JewFroJustin

    Chi Blocker Stance Add-On

    Should I change the reduction to 25%, or something lower, or a new suggestion for it all together? Like what about a dodging move or something alike that?
  18. JewFroJustin

    Chi Blocker Stance Add-On

    Hey guys! I recently started Chi Blocking and I thought I would make a suggestion about the two stances. Positive feedback is appreciated, and if you don't like these ideas, explain why and give a suggestion on how to make them better. Thanks :D Acrobat Stance: My idea for an add-on would be to...
  19. JewFroJustin

    High Jump Improvement

    Well, I'll keep trying. Any who, the plain high jump should still be increased just a bit in my opinion because it still only jumps like a half a block higher than acrobat stance.
  20. JewFroJustin

    High Jump Improvement

    Really? I've tried doing this before and it seems really hard to perform. I'm not sure if it's just me or if High Jump is buggy, but it doesn't work while I am mid-air.