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Denied abilities bind to slots

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I am sure this idea has been said before, but I have not seen it. Also maybe some thing you are already working on. Any ways when messing around with the plugin and binding skill it kinda gets hard to remember what skills are bind to what slot. so what if there was a way so when you bind a ability a piece of paper goes in your slot with the name of the skill. this would be nice so when scowling through your slots it says what ability is in the slot. possibly use the barrier blocks instead because you cant see them really in game. Now though with korra items if you have it enabled on your server I realize this idea has a issue with items people make that go in your inventory slots, but maybe some how detect that and not put something in that slot if you have a item in that slot. any ways it was just a thought, on my server we are working on we made kits people can get that have all their skills on paper named for them so they can put it in the slots and stay organized. let me know what you think!
- Hades


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yeah i just found it after i posted this, but still think this is a good idea in the core plugin or some thing like it
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