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Waterbending Cleanse v1.0.1

Description: Cleanse is an ability for bloodbenders which allows them to temporarily remove another user's bending.

How To Use: Hold shift and right click another player.

Permission: bending.ability.Cleanse

Compatibility: This resource was built with ProjectKorra version 1.8.1, and is recommended to be used on that version.

      Cooldown: 180000
      Duration: 300000
      CanCleanseAvatar: false
      RequiresMoreHealth: true
      BroadcastCleanse: true
      BroadcastMessage: '&8&l%player% &7has been cleansed of their impurities!'
      AlertOnRestore: true
      RestoreMessage: '&7Your bending has been restored.'
Cooldown - How long in milliseconds the user must wait before using this ability again.
Duration - How long in milliseconds until the cleansed player can bend again.
CanCleanseAvatar - If false, Amon cannot cleanse a player in the avatar state.
RequiresMoreHealth - If true, Amon must have more or equal to health than their target.
BroadcastCleanse - Whether it should broadcast when somebody gets cleansed.
BroadcastMessage - If BroadcastCleanse is true, then what message should be broadcasted.
* NOTE: Put %player% to get the player who was cleansed, and %caster% to get the person who cleansed them for this option (BroadcastMessage).
AlertOnRestore - Whether it should send the cleansed user a message when their bending is restored.
RestoreMessage - The message sent to the cleansed user when their bending is restored.

Being cleansed

Restoration of elements

Shout out to @ernest9 for helping me get the screenshots!

GitHub: Click here to view the source code on GitHub.

"This is not an official ProjectKorra ability, therefore, no official support will be provided in any threads other than this one. Use at your own risk."
First release
Last update
4.13 star(s) 8 ratings

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  1. Converted Cleanse to bloodbending ability

    I don't have much time at the moment to test this, but it did seem to still work when I used it...

Latest reviews

great great! loved it good with the projectkorra roleplay also, i changed it so the cooldown is 1 seond ha ha ha! and the durration is like a year
  • Deleted member
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: v1.0.1
Perfect ability, but I wish I could use it in PK 1.8.9... Please, uptade it! ;-;
I really love this move personally, even if it can't make it permanent on it's own, but I fixed that by turning up the amount of time it takes for the bending to return to the 97 years in milliseconds!
Thank you
It's great, but is there a way to make the change permanent or even another custom abilities that does something similar but permanent but reversible through another move ?
Unfortunately not, although is definitely something I could look into in the future once I get some free time.
Great as always, good job sob :)
Thank you :)
I love how you made it an 'Amon' ability. It's fun to laugh at every now and then. ;)
it needs to be amon bind like water and earth and ex Its better as the original version good for making ranks and ex and it would be like in pk which this place is all about
This should have belonged to Bloodbending element, instead of creating a new one. <.<
Yay ima the first! And i've been wating for someone to make this!
Hope you enjoy it :)