Description: AirBullet is a custom ability similar to FireShots. It allows the bender to create bullets of air and shoot them rapidly.
The bullets you shoot are very fast but small. Unlike a lot of other bending moves, you will have to be accurate when shooting them or they will not hit due to their small hitbox (they are only 0.2 blocks large). But because of their speed, they can pierce multiple mobs/players at the same time.
The bullets also have VERY PRECISE collision detection compared to other forms of bending. If you aim for the head of a mob, it will hit. If you miss the head by half a block, it will miss. Same with any part of the mob. You can see the collision boxes of mobs with F3 + B as well.
How to use: Hold down sneak (Shift) until you see the bullets formed at your hand. Then, simply click to fire fast bullets made of air.
Cooldown - How long the cooldown is for this move. In milliseconds.
Range - How far the bullets go before disappearing. In blocks.
ChargeTime: How long it takes to charge this move. In milliseconds.
Damage - How much damage each bullet does. In half hearts.
MaxBullets - How many bullets can be fired before the move goes on cooldown.
MoveSpeed - How fast the bullets move. This is in blocks per tick (so the default is 40 blocks per second)
FireBulletCooldown - How long before the user can fire another bullet. Just there so you can stop spamming if you wish. In milliseconds.
Permission: bending.ability.AirBullet (default for all airbenders)
Description: AirBullet is a custom ability similar to FireShots. It allows the bender to create bullets of air and shoot them rapidly.
The bullets you shoot are very fast but small. Unlike a lot of other bending moves, you will have to be accurate when shooting them or they will not hit due to their small hitbox (they are only 0.2 blocks large). But because of their speed, they can pierce multiple mobs/players at the same time.
The bullets also have VERY PRECISE collision detection compared to other forms of bending. If you aim for the head of a mob, it will hit. If you miss the head by half a block, it will miss. Same with any part of the mob. You can see the collision boxes of mobs with F3 + B as well.
How to use: Hold down sneak (Shift) until you see the bullets formed at your hand. Then, simply click to fire fast bullets made of air.

Cooldown: 5000
Range: 40.0
ChargeTime: 3000
Damage: 3.0
MaxBullets: 3
MoveSpeed: 2.0
FireBulletCooldown: 200
Range - How far the bullets go before disappearing. In blocks.
ChargeTime: How long it takes to charge this move. In milliseconds.
Damage - How much damage each bullet does. In half hearts.
MaxBullets - How many bullets can be fired before the move goes on cooldown.
MoveSpeed - How fast the bullets move. This is in blocks per tick (so the default is 40 blocks per second)
FireBulletCooldown - How long before the user can fire another bullet. Just there so you can stop spamming if you wish. In milliseconds.
Permission: bending.ability.AirBullet (default for all airbenders)
- ProjectKorra 1.8.5 and above
- Spigot 1.9 and above