You guys almost went a whole weekend without a large dev build!
- General Changes
- Updated Methods.BlockAbilities() to handle more abilities
- Now works with FireKick, FireSpin, FireWheel, Twister, AirStream, and AirSweep
- Updated Methods.BlockAbilities() to handle more abilities
- Airbending Changes
- Added Methods.getAirbendingParticles() - Returns ParticleEffect that corresponds to the air particles selected in the config.
- Methods.playAirbendingParticles() can now specify the amount of air particle spread.
- Added AirCombos
- To view information in-game, type "/bending help AirCombo"
- Twister: Creates a large tornado that travels along the ground, sucking up nearby entities temporarily.
- AirShield (Tap Shift) > Tornado (Hold Shift) > AirBlast (Left Click)
- Can't be blocked, nor does it block abilities.
- Can't Travel through walls, but it can climb uphill / downhill.
- Default 10 second cooldown.
- AirStream: Control a large gust of air that streams entities into the direction that you are pointing.
- AirShield (Hold Shift) > AirSuction (Left Click) > AirBlast (Left Click)
- Can't block abilities, can be blocked by FireShield and AirShield
- Even though you may not be able to see the particles, it is probably still travleing.
- Travels until it is out of range or hits an entity. After hitting an entity it only lasts for a few seconds.
- If you force an enemy too high in the sky the AirStream will dissipate.
- Default Range: 40 Blocks, Cooldown: 6 Seconds
- AirSweep: Sweep the air in front of you to hit multiple enemies with moderate damage and alarge knockback.
- AirSwipe (Left Click) > AirSwipe (Left Click) > AirBurst (Hold Shift) > AirBurst (Left CLick)
- The radius and direction of the ability is controlled by moving your mouse in a sweeping motion. For example, if you wanted to sweep horizontally from left to right, you should move your mouse using a left to right motion.
- Long range, high speed, and can hit multiple enemies.
- Collides with most abilities.
- Default Cooldown of 5 seconds.
- Fixed a possible AirScooter Flight Bug.
- Firebending Changes
- /bending help FireCombo format was changed and made easier to read.
- FireCombo Changes
- Changed some of the FireCombo Default Configuration
- FireKick Cooldown is now 2 seconds instead of 1
- FireSpin Range is now 7 blocks instead of 5.5, Knockback is now much higher.
- Changed some of the FireCombo Default Configuration