Water Manipulation is the most basic move in a waterbenders arsenal and it has the LEAST amount of uses. I think that Water Manipulation should be more similar to actually manipulating water instead of blasting it in 1 direction with little creativity on uses.. It would work the same way you tap sneak on a source to select it. However once you left click it wouldn't just blast the water to where you are looking, the water would instead float there waiting for you to do something. If you left click again, normal watermanipulation would activate and blast it at the direction your looking.
However, if you don't left click and you tap sneak the water would expand into a tiny 1 block cross, (the x's are water blocks). It would be just the perfect size to block a basic attack from hitting you. However, it will break once an attack hits it and a 3 second cooldown would activate. It would also move to wherever you look too, and would look like waterflow during a full moon when it does. (It wouldn't be the same size. it would just have a trail of water when it moves that dissipates) This is from the fight against Zuko in the North Pole.
If you click a source and hold sneak for 20 seconds and wait for particles to prompt you to release. You will be able to control the water in 3 blocks radius from where you first sourced the water, trapping anything inside it. This is from the first episode in the TLA series, when Katara tries to catch a fish using waterbending aka "magic water" according to Sokka atleast.
Couldn't Find a gif of it D:
If you click after you sneak, the water would condense back to a normal blast. and left clicking again would activate the first ability.
However, if you don't left click and you tap sneak the water would expand into a tiny 1 block cross, (the x's are water blocks). It would be just the perfect size to block a basic attack from hitting you. However, it will break once an attack hits it and a 3 second cooldown would activate. It would also move to wherever you look too, and would look like waterflow during a full moon when it does. (It wouldn't be the same size. it would just have a trail of water when it moves that dissipates) This is from the fight against Zuko in the North Pole.

If you click a source and hold sneak for 20 seconds and wait for particles to prompt you to release. You will be able to control the water in 3 blocks radius from where you first sourced the water, trapping anything inside it. This is from the first episode in the TLA series, when Katara tries to catch a fish using waterbending aka "magic water" according to Sokka atleast.
Couldn't Find a gif of it D:
If you click after you sneak, the water would condense back to a normal blast. and left clicking again would activate the first ability.