In my own opinion, if they are going to take someone off a bill, remove Andrew Jackson from the 20. We shouldn't be disgrace one of America's most influential founding fathers from one of the ONLY timeless recognitions he still has.
Not bad, as he didn't want paper currency to be a thing. An ironic tribute to the man that created the Trail of Tears and has a giant direct kill count. Also, he is the only president in history known to ever be taken a Prisoner of War.
Too bad that won't actually happen first.
Anyway, it gives me dread to the future of the USA, since Osama Bin Laden and a Dog got voted twice? The most direct vote that is most reasonable is honestly for Doge so far.
Doge: An icon of the Information Age. A Source of amusement, for the past and hopefully the future.
Just talked about all the votes so far.