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Team Moves

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Atleast they would have greater chance to bail out of while realising earthbender is about to inclose you as he spamms raiseearth each to the side, instead of being caught in a mouse trap so easily that you hear earthbender laughing at the corner while putting finger in his nose and tossing buggers around. Have we ever seen an earthbender raising each earthwalls around people at the same delay? You can try to proof me wrong, but I doubt you will.
I never said the opposite did I?

Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
EarthGrab is good as it is (the function, not the move). Only a herpy derped Waterbender will fight an Earthbender were he/she can easily trap them.
On the other hand, I think that just clicking to summon a giant EarthTent is a little OP. In my opinion, they should at least hold shift.


Verified Member
EarthGrab is good as it is (the function, not the move). Only a herpy derped Waterbender will fight an Earthbender were he/she can easily trap them.
On the other hand, I think that just clicking to summon a giant EarthTent is a little OP. In my opinion, they should at least hold shift.
But it still un-canon, which pisses me alot. #STOPUNCANONIMPRESSION2K15-ORSMTH


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Can't believe I've never seen this thread till now XD

Team moves would be absolutely amazing. I could definitely see this being possible to do int he future. As @jedk1 said, it wouldn't be too hard to do. Really hope this may be implemented in the future :D


Verified Member
If somebody goes say that earthgrab needs to stay even it is not canon, I literally gonna ask thar guy/girl to make a suggestion for an earthbender to build a huge big house with the same earthgrab method. ._.


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I wish Easte would see this and add my gif and the idea that earthbenders must teammove in order to make earthgrab around themselves.


Verified Member
But it still un-canon, which pisses me alot. #STOPUNCANONIMPRESSION2K15-ORSMTH
Well, WaterManipulation isn't really a canon either. WaterManipulation from the show is more like making a swirl of water or making waves not throwing little blasts of water. I don't really see the difference of canon in EarthGrab. Agreed, EarthGrab could use more reality in it though, just not the way you want it. Making an earthmove that grabs people require 2 or more people is quite dumb. Many Earthbenders used earthgrab individually.


Verified Member
Well, WaterManipulation isn't really a canon either. WaterManipulation from the show is more like making a swirl of water or making waves not throwing little blasts of water. I don't really see the difference of canon in EarthGrab. Agreed, EarthGrab could use more reality in it though, just not the way you want it. Making an earthmove that grabs people require 2 or more people is quite dumb. Many Earthbenders used earthgrab individually.
View attachment 1700
EarthGrip would be replacement of EarthGrab, allowing you to grab others. In order to surrond yourself(s) in a earthgrap structure, you would need to do a combo that requires two people standing in a certain pattern (like you seen in my gif). Otherwise, just spamm raiseearth around you, if you are alone.


Verified Member
I think this is great! It'd be really fun! Of course some moves, like EarthBlast or IceSpike, wouldn't be possible. There could be some other problems. Let's say two earthbenders are fighting one another, and they both go to use EarthSmash at the same time. You wouldn't want it to process as a team move, and make a giant EarthSmash. Charged FireBlast, Surge, Torrent (maybe), Combustion, Lightning, OctopusForm, Charged AirSwipe, ShockWave, and probably more would have the same issue. If this could be solved then I think it'd be great!
The Easiet way to go around this, is for the teammove locate each person standpoint, like how we have disscuss earlier. Like Team EarthSmash would require to stand next each other to a side, as the enemy wouldn't be standing next to him, as he clearny knows it is easy for the one to get aim on him.


Verified Member
EarthGrip would be replacement of EarthGrab, allowing you to grab others. In order to surrond yourself(s) in a earthgrap structure, you would need to do a combo that requires two people standing in a certain pattern (like you seen in my gif). Otherwise, just spamm raiseearth around you, if you are alone.
Please don't advertise your own thread on my suggestion.


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I want this to happen. I don't know why I didn't get a notification for this nor comment on it...
so this has been a suggestion since May 18th and jedk1 found a way to do it so why hasn't this been done yet? Well then again, you are working on a fire rework right now, so wait and make it for the next update or maybe Major Update but, which ever. I want this to be a thing. I am really shocked jed hasn't made this yet.. xD


Verified Member
Team moves would be moves that require more than 1 person to preform.
I will be using an example from the Book 3 finale of The Legend Of Korra.

Things to know

  • The amount of people a move requires would be configurable
  • Default amount of people for a team move would be 2 people, but more can join in to make it stronger
  • Team moves have longer cool downs than regular moves
  • Team moves require warm ups
  • All settings for a Team move can be configured (warm ups/cool downs, ect.)

How it works

Similar to regular moves a Team move would have a medium warm up, featuring an animation unique to that Team move. The way the move is warmed up varies from each element, and what move is being warmed up. For Air, moves like a giant tornado, would require you to be in a "circular" formation, maybe even specific patterns of movement/shifting ect.

Team moves would have their own specific bind to use for a slot. After the move is executed you would be left with a cool down (configurable) ranging from 20 - 30 seconds. The reason for the large cool down is because Team moves are typically larger, and stronger, than regular moves. Warm up times for team moves range (configurable) from 10 - 15 seconds, this is so that you can execute the move fast enough before you become attacked.

It also depends on the move to determine the warm ups & cool downs. Simple quick canon moves could have shorter warm ups/cool downs.

Proof of Team moves

The Legend Of Korra Book 3 Finale

The Last Airbender Book 3 Finale

The Last Airbender Book 1 "The Avatar Returns"

The Legend Of Korra Book 4 "Operation Beifong"

Questions, Concerns, & more in the comments please!

~ Fly
I'd LOVE this to be apart of ProjectKorra! This would definitely make fighting a lot more interesting! Though creating this would be very difficult it would provide a lot more variety.
If possible, try to step things up and also think of different element team combos. I'd love to help come up with ideas!
*Nin stamp of approval


Verified Member
I'd LOVE this to be apart of ProjectKorra! This would definitely make fighting a lot more interesting! Though creating this would be very difficult it would provide a lot more variety.
If possible, try to step things up and also think of different element team combos. I'd love to help come up with ideas!
*Nin stamp of approval


Verified Member
I sort of think it should have a opposite effect sometimes as well. So like if a firebender shot lightning at torrent at the right time, the torrent would be charged and then the waterbender could shoot it back. So that combo could be for a team attack for a counter strike.
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