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Surge new animation 2

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Verified Member
Instead of the popping out, surgeshield would appear the same motion how raiseearth, but not quite. Whenever you hold, the water would elevate itself from the very bottom, to the top, and each block it will go from a very smalest to the fullest block. The Delay of the watershield would stay how it is, so this won't be a change except the new appearance animation.

Optional: SurgeWithDrag
With that being implented, a new dynamic could be created on how the shield could be created in a diffrent method then the usual one. Whenever you select the source for the surgeshield, you would then hold shift and move your mouse in a draging motion, similar mechanic to airsweep, to drag the water in a shape,size or length you want. So if I were to create a horizontal shield, I would left click on a source, hold shift, and I then I would drag/move my mouse, cursor from right to left to create a horizontal shield, that it would protect not only me, but everyone that are next to me in both of mine sides. If you just hold shift before dragging, the main shield would be like a glob of 2x6 or 1x6 1x2 and doubled during night (huge in fullmoon), which then could be dragged with your cursor into varieties lengths, shapes you want if you are not satisfied. This would add abit of a new a diffrent diverse type of creation shield, as each element shield would consists diffrent type of required activations to make (fireshield - left click&hold shift, airshield - hold shift, raiseearth -tap shift, surge - holdshift and drag), Hope you liked this :) .

Here are the examples of SurgeWithDrag mechanic:

Horizontal One

Diagonal One

Circular One
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Verified Member
What I meant by very smalest to the fullest blick, is that it would have go from very smallest layer (which I like to call it puddle) to the full stanionary water by each layer going to the bigger one. Also, the water would elevate in a way they rise instead how raiseearth just stacks them over on each other without doing the smooth lifting.


Verified Member
The optional thing would have a configurable option so that if you change it to "disabled" it would atler the surge shield into a regular size one and the dragging function would be deactivated.


Verified Member
I love the idea it would make it possible to extend the defensives possibilities in a team fight :D And I think it would make the use of Surge shield less mechanic and more natural and fluid :D


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Plugin Developer
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Its called etiquette. Meaning you dont have to follow it.
Yeah but if you keep using it for stuff that mist doesn't like he could easily take it away, same way if you don't follow etiquette at a dinner you will likely be asked to leave.


Verified Member
Yeah but if you keep using it for stuff that mist doesn't like he could easily take it away, same way if you don't follow etiquette at a dinner you will likely be asked to leave.


oops, I need this site.


Verified Member
Will we be able to point it in other directions? I use surge shield so much to nullify fall damage and make earthbenders fall to their death on the ice form and I use it to 'slow' my fall by holding space bar on the ice form so people at the bottom have to wait and I can change the direction im going to not land in lava or other spots that I might die in.. Please tell that wont go away ;-;


Verified Member
Will we be able to point it in other directions? I use surge shield so much to nullify fall damage and make earthbenders fall to their death on the ice form and I use it to 'slow' my fall by holding space bar on the ice form so people at the bottom have to wait and I can change the direction im going to not land in lava or other spots that I might die in.. Please tell that wont go away ;-;
Im thinking that the only way this could work is making the surge shield toggable. So if you were to release sneak, the shield would become non-strechtable and would act as regular shield that we have of now with the exception of not needing to hold sneak. Then you would able to move the shield on the ground and what not without streching it in mid air. If you tap shift again, you would toggle off the surge shield. So Yes, this function to make platform to whatever reason you want won't go away. :)
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