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Denied Random Ideas


God Tier Member
Verified Member
Problem is, there's no earth blocks in the Nether. That changes with Lavabending but normal earthbending is useless in the Nether.
Netherack is an earth bendable block. There is a lot of netherack in the nether. I find earthbending more useful in the nether than other places.


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You can keep track of a players Y value and compare it to the next PlayerMoveEvent to determine whether they used space to slightly go up or shift to slightly go down. Or you can have the player double tap space which would throw PlayerToggleFlightEvents and then you can use that keep them in the air, and if they double tap shift it would cause them to go down.
You can't jump if you're in the air and the toggleflightevent only works if they can fly.


Verified Member
I know you said you would't personally assign Earth a biome but what about a boost the Nether? The Nether is pretty far underground (theoretically) then it would make sense for Earth to get a boost.

I like all the ideas, good work.
Generally, firebenders draw their power from pre-existing heat to create fire and lightning. This is why they live near the equator in tropical regions. When exposed to extreme cold, they lose their ability to firebend or have it significantly weakened as shown in The Boiling Rock in Avatar: The Last Airbender. P'Li's prison in Legend of Korra was situated in a remote location under the Northern Water Tribe considering it doesn't get any colder than that. The nether is described is a naturally hot biome in Minecraft, explaining why snow golems don't fare well in there, just as they don't fare well in deserts, jungles, and savannas.

Also, netherrack may be bendable in the nether but there's currently no proof of it being made of an earthen material other than being susceptible to damage by a pickaxe.


Verified Member
Mercury isn't water, Its an element. By element I mean periodic table kind of element, its a metal with a low melting point and is touchable without being burnt. Also highly toxic to living organisms, like humans. So it would take a metal bender to bend the substance. It can be a solid and a liquid, just has a very low melting point, like gallium, just not as deadly...


Verified Member
"It looks like the person is waterbending it. You can tell by the way his arms flow, and he isn't using his feet to bend at all. Maybe Jinora said that because it looks metallic."

If that was the case, how was sue, a metal and earthbender able to extract it from her body?


Staff member
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Yeah but you see how that would get laggy? Set fly, take fly, set fly, take fly, etc

You would never be taking the fly away, you are cancelling the event and updating the flight cooldown and there is no overhead at all with that. It would actually be one of the least laggy abilities in the whole plugin especially since you don't have to worry about any isRegionProtected calls.


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And actually, we would still have isRegionProtected calls. Theres NO WAY it would be fair if you could fly around other faction's land, or whatever the equivalent is on that server.


Staff member
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Verified Member
And actually, we would still have isRegionProtected calls. Theres NO WAY it would be fair if you could fly around other faction's land, or whatever the equivalent is on that server.
Correct me if I'm wrong but can't you already AirSpout in other people's faction land and WorldGuard protected regions, I haven't tested it?

Even still you would only be checking 1 Location per tick compared to Shockwave/Torrent's 100's of Locations per tick, or AirBubble/WaterBubble's 1000's of Locations per ticks. Flight would be on par with TremorSense.


Correct me if I'm wrong but can't you already AirSpout in other people's faction land and WorldGuard protected regions, I haven't tested it?

Even still you would only be checking 1 Location per tick compared to Shockwave/Torrent's 100's of Locations per tick, or AirBubble/WaterBubble's 1000's of Locations per ticks. Flight would be on par with TremorSense.
AirSpout works everywhere :)


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~Known Benders~
Bloodbenders: 5
Combustionbenders: 2
Lavabenders: 2 (except Avatars)

I don't like this logic :c
I have to agree with you on this one. I honestly don't care all that much if flight isn't added, but the reasoning behind it not being added is kind of dumb.