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Denied Random Ideas


Verified Member
These are some great ideas! I hope some of this will be added to ProjectKorra! I really like the Precipitation move! Water needs a new move and I think that'd be perfect! Twister and Quicksand also sound very cool! Keep up these ideas, they're great!


Verified Member
ok i just watched it. and i know its not about gliding but can we make it so when you fall back to earth you just glide down?


Verified Member
really like some of these ideas. But the one I like most is the flight idea. I just have one question. In the show Zaheer was shown to be able to bend whilst in-flight. I think it would be too OP if you would be able to do that in the plugin. So I think flight should only be used as a means of faster travel or getting away from a fight you were losing.


Verified Member
I haven't really touched on firebending. How about that.

~The Dancing Dragon~
Element: Fire
Bending Type: Ability
So, I had a brief lucid moment: "Can a plugin code some sort of combo attack?"
Can it be coded so that left clicking brings out different moves with each click? Three moves that cycle subsequently, maybe. Because if it's possible, I think it would be fun to see a moves that tosses a variation of fire "kicks and punches" at a foe with each click and can be mastered by learning the order of these three attacks that cycle through it. An example of this would be a FireBlast-like move, followed by a brief shield that burns opponents that come into contact with it, followed by a significantly more powerful, short-ranged hit, then back around.

~Fire Reiki~
Element: Fire
Bending Type: Ability
In The Legend of Korra, a firebending shaman showed the ability to detect chi paths by using her firebending on a spiritual level. No one really knows the extent of this ability as it seems a lot like healing, but it's common sense that fire can't really physically heal anything. However, there is speculation that it can purge evil spirits on a minor level, so I propose some sort of 'purging' of negative potion effects. I feel that would be a very useful utility.


Verified Member
I made my own post for this idea before, but I want to add it here to make this my little idea corner so I don't take up so many threads.

~Home Front~
Element: Air, Water, Fire, & Earth
Bending Type: Passive
In the series, the waterbenders take refuge in the poles and the swamp for their cold temperature and abundance of water. Firebenders live on beaches and tropical locations near the equator for it's general heat and energy. Earthbenders live in low-lying flat lands, increasing their connection to the earth. Airbenders live in temples that tower into the sky in remote locations to achieve spiritual enlightenment. As such, I've developed an idea to promote benders of every type to live in a location best suited to their element. It would allow them to have a small, passive attack boost based on their living quarters, something around 5-20% boost. The idea is for a player or group of players to build their home front in the ideal biome to be able to defend it well. Just like in the series.

Water: (Frozen) River, Ice Plains (Spikes), Cold Beach, Cold Taiga (M), (Deep) Ocean, Swamp
Fire: Desert (M), Mesa (Bryce), Jungle (Edge) (M), Savanna (M), Plateu (M), Beach, Hell
Air: Locations above 80y
Earth: Locations below 60y

I personally wouldn't add biomes to air or earth because they get a much larger range than fire and water, however fire and water still have their moon and sun boosts
If someone could delete my old thread, that'd be great.


Verified Member
I honestly like the idea of each and every single one of these abilities. Although, I'm not sure coding wise that the combo attack thingy will work. I'm also unsure whether its possible for the plugin to check if the player's inventory is empty or not for the flight. If these are possible, they would be pretty epic additions.


Verified Member
Thank you~
I like to think I put enough thought into them so they're canon and not too overpowered. I honestly haven't much knowledge of coding, but hey. It doesn't hurt to toss some ideas around. c:


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Thank you~
I like to think I put enough thought into them so they're canon and not too overpowered. I honestly haven't much knowledge of coding, but hey. It doesn't hurt to toss some ideas around. c:
Flight would need to require some sort of difficulty that made it so the user couldn't just float and spam AirSwipe, I liked the idea about constantly pressing space every second like Immallama said.

I think the real gold from your post is the idea of combo abilities, I never thought of that but I would have definitely implemented that in the past especially for fire. For example, Fire Blast > Fire Blast > Fire Shield executed in under a second would send out an additional circular Fire Blast attack that protruded from the player. The circular attack would be half the distance of FireBlast but would apply knockback to everyone it hit, that way it was different from blaze. It would resemble the sweeping leg kick that Zuko did executed multiple times in TLA.

So many abilities that players request are just slightly different from a pre-existing ability, but I think those subtle differences can be harnessed within a combo system.


Verified Member
Thanks, I'm flattered c:
The idea of a combo technique seemed to play well with the idea of this plugin considering it usually played a role in most of the video games as well as the show. I agree, spamming airswipe while flying might be overpowered, but at least they can't carry anything to aid them. In short, I'd like to think of it as the bloodbending for airbending, although considering that's been brought to level with the whole 'only at night' option, you're probably on to something that could make it useful to all players. If anything, I'd like the ability to fly only possible if your selecting its slot. Changing it would make you drop and airbenders don't take fall damage anyway, so it's a win win :D


Staff member
Plugin Developer
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I liked the idea about constantly pressing space every second like Immallama said.
You can't listen for when a player presses a certain key. We listen for crouching and clicking with our plugin because thats pretty much all you can listen for.


Verified Member
If they had to click every second that would still have the same effect. One thing I've thought about flight is that it would look a bit odd, as the user would be upright for the whole time (Unless the sleep animation was used but even then it would look a little irregular.


God Tier Member
Verified Member
I know you said you would't personally assign Earth a biome but what about a boost the Nether? The Nether is pretty far underground (theoretically) then it would make sense for Earth to get a boost.

I like all the ideas, good work.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Problem is, there's no earth blocks in the Nether. That changes with Lavabending but normal earthbending is useless in the Nether.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
You can't listen for when a player presses a certain key. We listen for crouching and clicking with our plugin because thats pretty much all you can listen for.
You can keep track of a players Y value and compare it to the next PlayerMoveEvent to determine whether they used space to slightly go up or shift to slightly go down. Or you can have the player double tap space which would throw PlayerToggleFlightEvents and then you can use that keep them in the air, and if they double tap shift it would cause them to go down.