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1. If you had too mess up the time line as much as possible with a time machine on accident, what could you do?
2. We're dinosaurs made up by nazis to discourage time travel?
4. If you had a time traveling iphone, what would be the worst experience you could have with it?
3. Do you support time travel? Vote Obama for President!!!
(Time travelers are now the reason why Obama won the election.)
1) I would kill Hitler
2) No, Nazis are too stupid
3) Yes, no.
4) Accidentally travelling into the Holocaust


Verified Member
On a scale from 1 to 10, how handsome is slenderman? Remember, he may be watching you. Make sure to make it a compliment, but not to fake either. He will know if it is even a little bit fake, and you don't want to know what will happen if he thinks it is fake. You don't want slenderman to think you insulted him, so make sure it is a compliment. He will always watch you.


Verified Member
2) Do you code?
1) Why doesn't nothing exist (philosophically and theoretically)?
4) Do I know how to count now?
3) i needs to study my inglish mor!
5) On a scale of one to ten to forty; one being good, ten being OK, and forty being really bad, does it hurt your eyes when you look at a picture of the sun?


God Tier Member
Verified Member
Who are you calling?
Who do you want to call?
Who would you call, if it wasn't too late?