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Denied EarthBending and Waterbending Style

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Reading to the wiki about each bending art individually, I noticed that some of their concepts lack in the plugin, noticeably waterbending and earthbending: Air has mobility, fire has aggressiveness, which are seen and introduced in the plugin, while earth has waiting, and water - redirecting; but none of that exists within the plugin. In here, I'll be trying to bring these most important principles of the 2 bending arts that are missing into the plugin.

The key to earthbending is utilizing neutral jing, which involves waiting and listening for the right moment to strike and, when that moment comes, acting decisively. In other words, earthbenders generally endure their enemies' attacks until the right opportunity to counterattack reveals itself.[3]
For that reason above, I think for earthbenders having to "wait"; either by dodging, shielding or even when the opponents tries to run away, they or their bending should get a buff for doing that well-done behavior, which is what this discipline stresses out to make up for what earthbending is actually suppose to be. Those benders who would uses this important rule on normal bases will be declared as the best earthbenders, due to this feature prompting them to use it daily and for a better benefit to seek on.

Waterbending's strength is its great versatility. Rather than supporting a separate set of offensive methods, waterbending employs defensive techniques that can be transformed into attacks and counters - defense into offense. Instead of simply deflecting an attack, waterbending's defensive maneuvers focus on control, achieved through turning an opponent's own strength against them, rather than directly harming the opponent.
In the plugin, there's no such thing, which makes the bending art ignore this emphasis. I don't really know what change can be done to waterbending to make it corresponded with its canon concept, but doing so would make the bending art dynamic to the rest of the elements.

To my understand, the phrase "turning an opponent's own strength against them" means redirecting one's momentum/energy (in a physical term) back at them, converting their bigger attack into the user's and sending yoour own attack as a bigger one at them, ad ect. There for, a possible tweak could be done to waterbending to my mind, is that their damaging or knockback move's should inflict the same strength of the attacker's/defender's move before the WBer's turn.

For example, If an earthbender, named bob, was charging and erupting an earthsmash from the ground, which by normal standarts would deal 2.5 damage, launches at a waterbender, named Taiko, but the waterbender manages to block it in time with Surge-Shield. A check is then done after those elemental contructs collided, checking of how much damage it could have dealt to the opponent if it smashed into. After the check is done, the waterbender switches to torrent, which by normal would deal 2.0 damage, but after the check it isn't the case anymore - waterbender proceeds to launch the torrent, which in return deals 2.5 damage to the earthbender. Even if the earthbender's earthsmash damage was lower than of the torrent, the check would have still be made, returning the attack as of a torrent with 2.0 damage value.
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Verified Member
I would agree if the skill set of water and earth matched what they were in the show, but giving them buffs if they do what there element is supposed to do doesn't make anysense to me. I think it is more like focusing on making water and earths abilities match what they were in the show. For example make earth moves mostly defensive at first that can be thrown and used as offense. As for water all abilities would be a good mix of defense and offense, and you can easily turn each ability into the opposite (defense -> offense, offense -> defense).


Verified Member
but giving them buffs if they do what there element is supposed to do doesn't make anysense to me.
For waterbending, certain times you can't consider it as a buff, because the attack their converting might be lower than in their arsenal, returning the attack back that is lower to what they have. Of course, if the waterbender takes his first turn to make a move on their opponent, their damage/knockback would be of a default.

I think the jing for earthbending would give a longer rang and 1 short chargetime (if it has any).


Verified Member
I think you're taking this too literally. Waterbending doesn't get powerful after a waterbender has "turned the attack against the opponent"; what they mean by that, is that waterbenders have the opportunity and options to expose the flaw in the attack / attacker's stance. Again, not literally, but when one would attack a master waterbender, the waterbender would be able to swiftly counterattack fast enough after dodging, nullifying, or even bending the attack away (if the attack is made out of water, that is).

The same goes to Earth for its neutral jing- bending honestly shouldn't get a buff because you're in a certain scenario. What I mean by this, is that your earthblast won't be more effective because you waited your opponent out. In fact, the main and only way that this was demonstrated was by earthbenders either dodging or blocking it with a thick wall of earth, or a small jut.

To boil down what I'm saying, your water/earthbending shouldn't be empowered because you were able to "turn the energy against me" or wait it out.

Do I think that this is a good idea? Yes, because quite frankly, none of the elements represent what they were in the show. Firebending has to rely on Firejet, Airbending is ridiculous with airblast jump + airswipe / sweep. Waterbending is just a mess in general- there's no logic to the moves whatsoever, your surge shield can't be broken if it's iced and thank god that PK absolutely ruined fireblast charged's explosive radius because now I can hit them through the surge shield. Earthbending, in general, just isn't good without earthsmash, but ever since earthsmash, it's been pretty stupid considering earth is supposed to be the least mobile. *cough* L- actually, I won't call him out. That's not what this thread is for.

In order to actually give the elements their true styles as they were in the show, it'd require a major revamp of ProjectKorra in general, and with the staff team apparently in dismay, I doubt that'll be happening anytime soon.


Verified Member
Earthbending, in general, just isn't good without earthsmash, but ever since earthsmash, it's been pretty stupid considering earth is supposed to be the least mobile. *cough* L- actually, I won't call him out. That's not what this thread is for.
Ummm by the way earth is not supposed to be the least mobile, fire is the least mobile and I'm not agruing about that

Mobility ranks:

1. Air (of course)
2. Earth/Water (both are technically that same when it comes to being in the home territory and traveling)
3. Fire (Not really shown using fire that good as mobility besides gliding in the air)


Verified Member
I disagree. According to the wikia and as much as I seen with my eyes, most earthbenders rarely if not never do they used mobile tactics/moves in a bending dual with someone. Earthbending is opposite to AirBending, as it consists of being stubborn and immobile as a rock - unable to move much unlike the wind that is constantly moving. In my opinion, the third place as a most mobile bending art goes to waterbending, second being fire (I might be looking into that as bias).

Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
Although I feel flattered by the reference, I don't believe that's how waterbending should work. I do feel the need of the jing concept being added to the plugin, but in a subtle way.

Per example, if ever redirectioning and reusing gets ever implemented in all waterbending concepts, in my opinion, it would be like every redirectioning, the damage and knockback would be increamented. If something as been already redirected, the increament would get lower and lower. This would not be applied just to water, but also to earth, as it is possible, yet, not as effective. The increaments would be lower to earth.

Now, earthbending could work like the "new" cooldown system added in the "Combat Update": if the earthbender is moving a lot, the damage would be lower than if the earthbender was standing still. This is just an idea, I am not an expert on Earthbending, but that is how I would picture it.


Verified Member
Every element has their own jing(s), except for earth, which for that I want in to be enrolled into the plugin. I like your idea @Taiko the Waterbender, a system that discourages them to move like probenders. With probending installed, using probending abilities would give an exception to that particular earthbender.


Verified Member
I think you're taking this too literally. Waterbending doesn't get powerful after a waterbender has "turned the attack against the opponent"; what they mean by that, is that waterbenders have the opportunity and options to expose the flaw in the attack / attacker's stance. Again, not literally, but when one would attack a master waterbender, the waterbender would be able to swiftly counterattack fast enough after dodging, nullifying, or even bending the attack away (if the attack is made out of water, that is).

The same goes to Earth for its neutral jing- bending honestly shouldn't get a buff because you're in a certain scenario. What I mean by this, is that your earthblast won't be more effective because you waited your opponent out. In fact, the main and only way that this was demonstrated was by earthbenders either dodging or blocking it with a thick wall of earth, or a small jut.

To boil down what I'm saying, your water/earthbending shouldn't be empowered because you were able to "turn the energy against me" or wait it out.

Do I think that this is a good idea? Yes, because quite frankly, none of the elements represent what they were in the show. Firebending has to rely on Firejet, Airbending is ridiculous with airblast jump + airswipe / sweep. Waterbending is just a mess in general- there's no logic to the moves whatsoever, your surge shield can't be broken if it's iced and thank god that PK absolutely ruined fireblast charged's explosive radius because now I can hit them through the surge shield. Earthbending, in general, just isn't good without earthsmash, but ever since earthsmash, it's been pretty stupid considering earth is supposed to be the least mobile. *cough* L- actually, I won't call him out. That's not what this thread is for.

In order to actually give the elements their true styles as they were in the show, it'd require a major revamp of ProjectKorra in general, and with the staff team apparently in dismay, I doubt that'll be happening anytime soon.
But doesn't that apply to every bending art? If not, please elaborate on why is it like that.

Then do you have any other ideas on how we can encourage earthbenders to utilize their jing? Every element has their own jing(s), but earthbending is the one that misses it.

Waterbending isn't necessary empowered, it just copy the value of damage/knockback (which will depend what it gets in certain situations) of another move. Even if the attack has lower damage of what the waterbender has in her own arsenal.

I agree about EarthSmash. It's a flying rock in the air, where you can see the third person saying in confusion "it's not a plane, it's not a bird, it's.... ahhh... a rock with a person on it ???" How I would nerf it down:
- removing the capability to glide/soar in the air; only surfing it on earth
- should go in one direction only; not turnable or just making it do sharp turns (no diagonal).


Verified Member
Ummm by the way earth is not supposed to be the least mobile, fire is the least mobile and I'm not agruing about that

Mobility ranks:

1. Air (of course)
2. Earth/Water (both are technically that same when it comes to being in the home territory and traveling)
3. Fire (Not really shown using fire that good as mobility besides gliding in the air)
Actually, you're wrong
On multiple occasions, firebending has outclassed earthbending when it comes to mobility. Let's take a look at some instances

As you can see, any type of significant movement using earthbending takes significant concentration and can be disrupted easily, even by external sources and not by bending.

Compare this to firejet, which has the potential to basically hover across the ground, or propel yourself at high altitude, high enough for airplanes. That combined with the fact that it can be comboed into a projectile (in the show) .


Verified Member
That's the idea for waterbenders and earthbenders. However, thinking of me that applying their emphasis instead of making different from each other, it adjusts them to be same. Ironically, I wanted the opposite of it. I'll now ignore that I ever posted this thread, and I will try to think of something new that makes them unique in a different way :p


Verified Member
Styles definitely shouldn't be enforced by the plugin.. That's just not what we want, or else EVERYONE will bend exactly the same without any unique techniques to fighting..
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