If you can post me an error report of this happening ill get right on it
remember that wave move you made a while back? alot like shockwave for water, think you could make that water wave a configurable height and arc? pls <3
was a really good move, think you should make this into a combo and add a configurable height to it, water needs more combos <3
why? i think water should be a combo based element seeing as most waterbending requires quite a few movements to activate

there could also be a way around rainbending if you want to make a config option so that when it rains you have an infinity waterbottle in your top left inv slot? then when it stops raining it could vanish, replacing whatever was in you inv, i think theres a way to make it like condensation so that if youre underground it wont allow rainbending
maybe make a few combos that link with eachother
e.g. WaterSphere/IceSphere: surge (tap shift), surge (tap shift), torrent (left click), then make 2 possibilities so if someone added Phasechange (left click) it would surround someone in ice, where as if someone Phasechange (tap shift) it would surround them with water etc
i think this would be a really great add-on to your plugin <3
(this is just an example and im not expecting it to be taken seriously, just so people get the gist)
P.S. I MADE AN ENORMOUS WATERFLOW WAVE TODAYYY!!!!!! SO HAPPY!!! tytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytyy that config option for size is AMAZING!
for earth i was thinking about a few combos aswell like if you use crevice there should definatly be a way of filling the crevice with lava at the bottom, avatar kioshi demonstrated something like this when she split her island from the mainland

the actual movement was airbending but she makes a huge crevice then fills it with lava, is there already a way to impliment this?
i also think metaclips and lavathrow should be made into combos
cant think of anything for air apart from the cyclonescooter tenzin used and a flight passive that allows you to recover mid-air by using airblast but thats already possible
fire needs a combo where you disable incoming fire attacks other than fireshield as there are still ways around fireshield with firebending, something like the magnet move for earth but with a few fire particles to display that you just nullified the other persons bending
