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BendingGUI 1.6.2


Verified Member
I don't know what you mean "colored in red". Do you mean on Multicraft or something?

There should be an error if it's not working though. Please check your logs when you started the server and post it on pastebin if you find anything.
I mean when I join the server with the latest version of ProjectKorra and BendingGui and then do /plugins. BendingGui is colored red. Probably meaning I isn't compatable.


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I mean when I join the server with the latest version of ProjectKorra and BendingGui and then do /plugins. BendingGui is colored red. Probably meaning I isn't compatable.
Is there an error on the console?

Could you also run /gui ? If it's broken, it shouldn't work.


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Apprently... And how do I add SpiritBeam and ElementSphere to the ProjectKorra plugin? Because it isn't in Beta 9 but on the projectkorra server.
Awesome. Glad the issue has been solved! ;)

As for SpiritBeam and ElementSphere, they are moves in JedCore. You need that if you want those moves.


Verified Member
Please update to the latest BETA Build because its not working for me. The error states:

[BendingGUI] This version of BendingGUI is made for ProjectKorra 1.8.0 Beta 1. You are running a higher version which not be fully supported yet.
[18:16:58] [Server thread/ERROR]: [BendingGUI] Plugin BendingGUI v1.0.6 has failed to register events for class com.strangeone101.bendinggui.BendingGUI because com/projectkorra/projectkorra/SubElement does not exist.
[18:16:58] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling BendingGUI v1.0.6 (Is it up to date?)


Staff member
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Verified Member
Please update to the latest BETA Build because its not working for me. The error states:

[BendingGUI] This version of BendingGUI is made for ProjectKorra 1.8.0 Beta 1. You are running a higher version which not be fully supported yet.
[18:16:58] [Server thread/ERROR]: [BendingGUI] Plugin BendingGUI v1.0.6 has failed to register events for class com.strangeone101.bendinggui.BendingGUI because com/projectkorra/projectkorra/SubElement does not exist.
[18:16:58] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling BendingGUI v1.0.6 (Is it up to date?)
A Beta 10 version will come soon, I'm still finishing it up. Please hold tight until then :)


Verified Member
A Beta 10 version will come soon, I'm still finishing it up. Please hold tight until then :)
Hey man! I am nearing the development of my server and this plugin is perfect for it. However, I cant open my server without a nice developed gui system for players to use. Can you please give me a eta?


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Hey man! I am nearing the development of my server and this plugin is perfect for it. However, I cant open my server without a nice developed gui system for players to use. Can you please give me a eta?
Should be out in the next day or so, so don't fret. :)


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StrangeOne101 updated BendingGUI with a new update entry:

Updated to 1.8.0 Beta 10

  • Updated to 1.8.0 Beta 10
  • Changed chat messages when adding/editing elements to look nicer
  • Changed bending toggle icon to wool (was stained clay)
  • Changed info tool to a sign (was a map)
  • Added LIMITED support for custom elements
  • Added /b gui command to do the same thing as /gui
WARNING: Although this update is for Beta 10, it doesn't support ALL the new features of beta. All features such as...
Read the rest of this update entry...


Verified Member
/gui <nick>
doesn't working, it says: "BendingGUI appears to be broken at the moment. Please report this to your server admin or the plugin developer."

Plugin version: 1.0.6
Core version: 1.8.0 BETA 9


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
/gui <nick>
doesn't working, it says: "BendingGUI appears to be broken at the moment. Please report this to your server admin or the plugin developer."

Plugin version: 1.0.6
Core version: 1.8.0 BETA 9
Please show me the error within the console.

And is that the only thing that doesn't work?


Verified Member
Please show me the error within the console.

And is that the only thing that doesn't work?
I just solved it, but I wanna ask something too. How can I translate "Move Help Tool", "Disable Bending", "Your Bending" etc.? I translated skills descriptions, but I can't translate those..


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
I just solved it, but I wanna ask something too. How can I translate "Move Help Tool", "Disable Bending", "Your Bending" etc.? I translated skills descriptions, but I can't translate those..
Glad you worked it out :)

As for translating everything else, there isn't currently a way to do that just yet but it's something I'm planning for the next version. Sorry it doesn't have it right now.


Verified Member
Glad you worked it out :)

As for translating everything else, there isn't currently a way to do that just yet but it's something I'm planning for the next version. Sorry it doesn't have it right now.
Ohh, I am using Beta 9.. I can't use it anyway.