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BendingGUI 1.6.2


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StrangeOne101 submitted a new resource:

BendingGUI - A custom interface that allows you to manage your bending with ease

BendingGUI is side-plugin for ProjectKorra that adds a custom interface for players to use with bending.

Feature List:
  • Easy, well organised design.
  • Browse through the list of moves with the arrows along the top.
  • All moves have different icons depending on their base element. E.g. Water moves are blue stained...
Read more about this resource...


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Looks great! Seems to have internal errors on each command though, from what I can gather from them your are getting a ClassNotFound error on craftbukkit.1_8_R3.Inventory.CraftItemStack. This may be happening because you either have not built with only spigot or you built with a craftbukkit.jar in your buildpath because the "CraftItemStack" class doesn't exist in the spigot API.


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Looks great! Seems to have internal errors on each command though, from what I can gather from them your are getting a ClassNotFound error on craftbukkit.1_8_R3.Inventory.CraftItemStack. This may be happening because you either have not built with only spigot or you built with a craftbukkit.jar in your buildpath because the "CraftItemStack" class doesn't exist in the spigot API.
Thanks for letting me know about that. Hopefully that should be fixed now. :D

And sorry for the delay. Been out of town recently so I haven't been able to update it.


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StrangeOne101 updated BendingGUI with a new update entry:

Bug fixes + ChooseExecutor support

  • Hopefully added ChooseExecutor support
  • Fixed arrows not working while viewing another player's bending (admin use, etc)
  • Fixed players not being able to bind moves in protected regions/areas
  • Patched a PK bug where normal benders could bind sub-element moves they don't have permission for (bending.earth.lavabending, etc)
  • Added Spigot 1.8.8 Support
Read the rest of this update entry...
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Verified Member
It's awesome, I really like this awesome plugin :D how do I activate the bug fix for earthbenders who can lavabend and Metalbend? Thanks for the patience and the attention.


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It's awesome, I really like this awesome plugin :D how do I activate the bug fix for earthbenders who can lavabend and Metalbend? Thanks for the patience and the attention.
Glad you like it :D

Any version from 1.0.2 and up contains the bug fix, you don't need to do anything to activate it. However, all users have access to metalbending and lavabending by default, so if you want to stop this, you'll need a permissions plugin like PermissionsEX or bPermissions. The bug fix just fixes these plugins from not working.

Let me know if you'd like any more help with this. :)


Verified Member
Glad you like it :D

Any version from 1.0.2 and up contains the bug fix, you don't need to do anything to activate it. However, all users have access to metalbending and lavabending by default, so if you want to stop this, you'll need a permissions plugin like PermissionsEX or bPermissions. The bug fix just fixes these plugins from not working.

Let me know if you'd like any more help with this. :)
Good morning Strange, I've tried to use your plugin as you said and I blocked the permissions nodes of earthbenders, but they can still lavabend and Metalbend... I don't know how to fix it :\ Thank you anyway, your plugin is awesome! ;D


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Good morning Strange, I've tried to use your plugin as you said and I blocked the permissions nodes of earthbenders, but they can still lavabend and Metalbend... I don't know how to fix it :\ Thank you anyway, your plugin is awesome! ;D
By "Blocked permission nods of earthbenders", what do you mean? The patch just stops users being able to bind things like LavaFlow when they don't have bending.earth.lavabending but it does not stop them using it. This is because it is actually a ProjectKorra bug.

That said, the latest version of ProjectKorra should fix this problem anyway so updating should solve your problem. Let me know if you have any more issues. :)


Verified Member
By "Blocked permission nods of earthbenders", what do you mean? The patch just stops users being able to bind things like LavaFlow when they don't have bending.earth.lavabending but it does not stop them using it. This is because it is actually a ProjectKorra bug.

That said, the latest version of ProjectKorra should fix this problem anyway so updating should solve your problem. Let me know if you have any more issues. :)


Verified Member
When I will be home I'll Update it to the latest beta build... Thank you Strange! Your plugin is awesome! :D


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When I will be home I'll Update it to the latest beta build... Thank you Strange! Your plugin is awesome! :D
Thanks :)

And even better, you no longer need to use a beta build as the final 1.7.0 version is released. BendingGUI still works with that so I recommend you use that one instead :D


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Rawr... I'm just gonna try to update to beta 16.
Update to the full release instead.

Edit: Please post the error log anyway though because if you're having issues, 10 other people will be having the same problem. I want to get it solved asap.
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this side plugin is so strange ... I mean Awesome xD
Thanks XD Hopefully in the next week or two there will be another big update. It should help a lot of people navigate around the interface and also adds in some features that were never implemented.

@Jackson: Even without the error, I'm aware of the issue now. Thank you for bring it to my attention.

Should be fixed by tomorrow.


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StrangeOne101 updated BendingGUI with a new update entry:

Version Detection + Bug Fixes

  • Added a /gui version command
  • Added new version checking system, since people have been having a lot of issues. This will now tell you in the logs if the version you are running isn't supported.
  • Added sub-command aliases for faster usage
  • Fixed pages in the interface being past max page after having bending removed
  • Fixed incompatiblities for other versions of Spigot from 1.0.3.
  • Fixed players not being able to rechoose their element without permission...
Read the rest of this update entry...
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