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1.4.0 BETA 3


Staff member
This is probably the largest single dev build we've ever had! Two new sub elements plus some other minor tweaks.

  • General Changes
    • Improve saving Methods
      • It is now done as the player changes their bound abilities, permaremoved, or element, instead of saving it all at once when they sign on. This should provide a small performance boost.
  • Airbending Changes
    • New Sub Element: Breathbending (Developed by AlexTheCoder)
      • New Ability: BreathSphere
        • This is by far the most lethal ability available to Airbenders. To use, simply hold sneak while targeting an entity. They will slowly take damage as you extract air from their lungs. This gives Airbenders a huge plus in one on one combat.
        • Benders may break themselves out of this ability by Activating AvatarState, hitting their attacker with AirSwipe, FireBlast, WaterManipulation, or EarthBlast.
        • Benders may be broken out if another player hits them while they are being breathbent OR hits the attacker with any offensive ability.
        • Players using this while in the AvatarState will enjoy an increased range and can breathbend more than one player at a time.
        • This ability defaults to true.
  • Earthbending Changes
    • New Sub Element: Lavabending
      • New Ability: LavaSurge
        • This ability works similarly to Surge, using Lava as a source instead of Water. You NEED a lava source block for this ability to work. To use, simply tap sneak to target a source block and click to send off a massive wave in the direction you're looking. This ability does not have the wall functionality that Water has, as Lava is not meant to be defensive. This ability does not have as high of a knockback, but does a fair amount of contact damage.
  • Firebending Changes
    • Lightning has a larger area of effect in Water.
      • This is configurable, default 15 blocks. This gives Fire some solid offense against those that camp in Water. What this does is allow you to strike a water block and all players within the specified range of it will take the damage assuming they are in water as well.


Verified Member
LavaSurge sounds awesome but I don't really understand the need for a lava source. Lavabendings biggest appeal is the ability to heat normal earth into lava and use it like that.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Lol the timing on @Coolade's ability was soooo bad :p. He posted his about an hour after I finished coding it but I couldnt tell him. Sorry man.


Verified Member
This is my opinion but air is way to over powered vs earth. If air airspouts/airshields earth can't attack at all (unless there is lava but then they may be pushed away from the lava) And BreathSphere, you can't move your mouse, so if you get BreathShpere'd from behind and no one attacks them. You're dead... And I think the lightning in the water thing doesn't work. Unless I did that wrong.


New Member
I really like all of the changes in this update. The lavabending gives earthbenders some more power in a fight, and the airbenders can finally do real damage with the Breathsphere. Please get the lightning through water working, because that was the thing i was most excited for, and its the only thing that doesn't work.


Verified Member
This is my opinion but air is way to over powered vs earth. If air airspouts/airshields earth can't attack at all (unless there is lava but then they may be pushed away from the lava) And BreathSphere, you can't move your mouse, so if you get BreathShpere'd from behind and no one attacks them. You're dead... And I think the lightning in the water thing doesn't work. Unless I did that wrong.
That's really funny you said that, because for so long earth has been overpowered fighting air XD


Verified Member
Lava Surge looks to much like surge, i have a idea to replace it


When a lava bender right clicks with this ability on stone, lava will spew upwards, if anyone gets caught in it they take damage and get launched, The move could exist out of red coloured "reddust" particles and "lava" particles


Staff member
I suppose this is a disclaimer I forgot to add:
  • None of the abilities are complete by any means. Really none of them are ever complete, they are always open to change. I've already worked on some stuff to improve upon BreathSphere for the next update.
  • LavaSurge is the way it is because it is practical. If you think this is all we have planned for Lavabending you have another thing coming!


New Member
How come there have been updates for every other element except water? Well, besides a HEALINGWATERS change and a bug-fix.


Verified Member
I'm probably in the minority when I say this, but I'm not a fan of calling it breathbending as opposed to asphyxiation or suffocation considering it's not really a sub-element... At least, I don't think.


Verified Member
I'm probably in the minority when I say this, but I'm not a fan of calling it breathbending as opposed to asphyxiation or suffocation considering it's not really a sub-element... At least, I don't think.
Agreed. You go Glenn Coco; Four for you Glenn Coco


Verified Member
I'm probably in the minority when I say this, but I'm not a fan of calling it breathbending as opposed to asphyxiation or suffocation considering it's not really a sub-element... At least, I don't think.
I agree. Suffocation or suffocate sounds much better.


Verified Member
One guy's opinion, but I'm not impressed with lavabending.
The series showed moat-making, star-shaping, lava geyser, magma tossing... But not a massive wave that wasn't created to kamikaze. It lacks canon integrity. It's overpowered. It's a mislead duplicate of Surge (obviously) and I really feel it didn't have to happen.

I'm going to get so much crap for my opinion.
And before, "You don't have to give anyone perms," I got it.
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Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Gahshunk this is the initial move for lava. The first one. We will add more interesting ones as it goes along. And also, Ghazan was clearly shown to be able to create waves of lava.


Verified Member
But is there no way to animate making it gush up instead of a surge? ;~;
Also, yeah, I understand it's just the beginning and it will get a lot better and whatnot