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1.4.0 BETA 3


Verified Member
As a Concept Designer I can gurantee that you will be satisfied with the moves to come, and if you're not then this probably isn't the plugin for you.


Verified Member
As a Concept Designer I can gurantee that you will be satisfied with the moves to come, and if you're not then this probably isn't the plugin for you.
I honestly don't doubt you all will make excellent work with lavabending and the plugin in general.
I'm just genuinely disappointed that it started off with a move that had very limited uses considering turning rock into lava seems like the most basic form of lavabending.
Here's hoping.


Verified Member
To be honest I didn't realize there was much room for hate on us or the moves anyways? Sure we can't please everyone but we're working our butts off and all we get is that they're stupid moves? These moves, as always, are far from finished. We test out every move to decide how it could improve. We release them to you all for bugs and improvements, not complaints.


Verified Member
It think everyone needs to lay off the staff, to be honest i think the rate the moves are coming out is quite fast saying how much detail and effort they put in... If they made a new move every time someone moaned we'd have clones like "AirSwipe/WaterSwipe/FireSwipe/EarthSwipe" and the only difference being there particles. If you want more Lava moves download the 'LavaFlow' ability in the Downloads Section, it turns Lavabenders into a really dangerous bender!